Obama's Cheif of Staff


Well-Known Member
One of the foxes guarding the hen house is the chief of staff for the incoming administration which means he is part of the problem and the solution. LOL! This just keeps getting better and better.
President-elect Barack Obama's newly appointed chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, served on the board of directors of the federal mortgage firm Freddie Mac at a time when scandal was brewing at the troubled agency and the board failed to spot "red flags."
ABC News: Emanuel Was Director Of Freddie Mac During Scandal


Well-Known Member
THe chief of staff runs the white house staff.
It is incorrect to confuse the President's Chief of Staff with the Director of White House Personnel.

The President determines the actual duties of the Chief of Staff. Historically, the Chief of Staff acts in a key advisory and top managerial capacity for the entire administration. The President makes the decision on which policies to pursue and the Chief of Staff gets it done. The President's number one man.
Maybe it's Obama's way of getting him out of things that actually matter.
Right. Bring a Clinton-era dog washer in as the Chief of Staff is change we need.
But it is true that on the night after Mr Clinton was elected, Mr Emanuel exploded in anger at the president's enemies and at a celebratory dinner he grabbed a knife as he shouted out their names: "Dead! . . . Dead! . . . Dead!," he said, plunging the knife into the table.
Obama chooses 'Rahmbo' as chief of staff - Americas, World - The Independent


New Member
I met Rahm Emanuel at a MoveOn rally in 2004, he is a really intense guy. The chief of staff is usually a confidant, someone the president trusts beyond a shadow of doubt.


Well-Known Member
I heard an old tape of obama talkin about emanuel, and he was talking about how he worked at a deli and cut off a piece of his middle finger. Obam said the accident almost left him mute lol...so that should give you some insight into his personality


New Member
The ideas Libertarians espouse are frightening to most Americans these days. I mean, can you imagine absolute freedom and liberty? Zoweee! That's some scary stuff, right there. :lol:

Yeah, Anarchy is pretty scary alright. A person of your "wealth" would really be prime pickings.