Not sure what the go is. (Pictures)


Well-Known Member
I've never seen pistils die back from a leaf rubbing on them or handling them. All over the whole bud? I hardly think so. Either they got some weird Aussie bugs down there or it's pollinated. Put some twist ties around the stems below the weird ones and see if seeds show up there a few weeks later.
Is it the whole bud?


Well-Known Member
I think the problem may be found, little grubs have been wriggling out of the tips when I noticed webbing on some of the tips. I suspect it has something to do with the problem at hand. I've gone around and got out all the grubs I've noticed. I'll keep updating the progress. It could be just bad genticts. It's supposed to be a liberty haze and I've grown bag seed that's produced far superior weed. Thinking it's not mould or anything of that type.
Thats gotta be it! Thought it looked a bit like blossom end rot but reading your comment makes total sense. Does anyone know if there is any type spray safe to use at this stage?
May be worth cutting the affected areas and destroying them right away.
More to the point has anyone an idea which pest these may be? Seems quite unlikley to be fruit fly but not impossible i suppose.


Well-Known Member
Bud worms? I've read about them before. These little grubs I've pulled out look like little caterpillars, and they make a silk web around them selves, i assume for protection. looked as if they were eating the bud from the inside out.


Well-Known Member
Ive added compost out of my bin onto the top of the soil pretty decent amount, figured that all the extra trace elements and minerals plus microbes would repair the health of the soil a bit, plant seemed to really appreciate it, new stigma starting to sprout back from the infected tips. I'll grab some photos tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Ive added compost out of my bin onto the top of the soil pretty decent amount, figured that all the extra trace elements and minerals plus microbes would repair the health of the soil a bit, plant seemed to really appreciate it, new stigma starting to sprout back from the infected tips. I'll grab some photos tomorrow.
Good to hear bro and thanks for the info


Well-Known Member
If they are a caterpillar type bug then get some BTK biological pesticide. Harmless to humans and only kills caterpillars with a bacteria that rots their guts out or something. We get these little white, what I thought were butterflies but are moths, that lay eggs on broccoli and cauliflower etc and their larva eat the crap out of the insides. If we see those moths around we spray in advance and as soon as the eggs hatch the larva eat some of it and die before doing any real damage.


Well-Known Member
If they are a caterpillar type bug then get some BTK biological pesticide. Harmless to humans and only kills caterpillars with a bacteria that rots their guts out or something. We get these little white, what I thought were butterflies but are moths, that lay eggs on broccoli and cauliflower etc and their larva eat the crap out of the insides. If we see those moths around we spray in advance and as soon as the eggs hatch the larva eat some of it and die before doing any real damage.
Is that stuff ok to spray on buds and then smoke? I've never used pesticides on cannabis just for the fact that you smoke the stuff


Well-Known Member
Is that stuff ok to spray on buds and then smoke? I've never used pesticides on cannabis just for the fact that you smoke the stuff
It's not a chemical pesticide and gets washed off the first rain so doesn't absorb into the buds. It's just a natural bacteria the infects the bugs so they die the horrible death they deserve! :)

Anything that will kill pests is called a pesticide but there is a world of difference between a bio one and the toxic crap companies like Mon$atan make so farmers can spray it all over the GMO crops they feed us with.

All sorts of nastier stuff gets onto outdoor grown buds. Look into "bud washing" so you can clean your colas as you harvest to get rid of dust, bugs etc that get into them out there in the wilds.

You sure got the sativa pheno for this year's girl alright. Only autos have a chance to finish outside here as I'm so far north and we can get frost before the end of August.



Well-Known Member
It's not a chemical pesticide and gets washed off the first rain so doesn't absorb into the buds. It's just a natural bacteria the infects the bugs so they die the horrible death they deserve! :)

Anything that will kill pests is called a pesticide but there is a world of difference between a bio one and the toxic crap companies like Mon$atan make so farmers can spray it all over the GMO crops they feed us with.

All sorts of nastier stuff gets onto outdoor grown buds. Look into "bud washing" so you can clean your colas as you harvest to get rid of dust, bugs etc that get into them out there in the wilds.

You sure got the sativa pheno for this year's girl alright. Only autos have a chance to finish outside here as I'm so far north and we can get frost before the end of August.

Thanks for info, I've never tried bud washing but I was actually looking at some old dudes video on YouTube, have you done this before with your heads after harvest? I'm pretty keen to give it a go!

Ah Ok, are you in Australia or over seas?


Well-Known Member
I only grow indoors in a room with filtered air so don't need to wash my buds.

I'm way up north in Bumfuck Alberta. About 100km west of Ft. McMurray. Can smell the tar sands when the wind is blowing due west. ;)