
  1. LukasSativa

    Pass the Flushy to the left hand side

    Hi all Newbie to the site, only my second grow. This is a question/discussion about flushing... I've got an outdoor grow going on - if anyone else is putting up with this UK weather, please send love for my suffering Bubble Runtz! Anyhoo, my medium is Coco/peat/perlite/batguano and been using...
  2. Jpwt92

    Aeroponics to soil

    I've been testing a lot of new things when it to my years of growing, I'm mostly a outdoors grow in the sun kind of guy but my next grow I want to try something different. I want to start of my plants in a aeroponic system months before I sow outside in order to get a big rooting system from it...
  3. D

    Harvest time?

    Hello everyone! Im a new grower, this is my first batch of plants. The strain is `Dark-Devil` its a hybrid. These babies germinated 11 june. I just have no idea when I have to harvest, some people say to look at trichomes and some to look at pistils. Hope that someone can help me by the hand of...
  4. natebythelake

    Afghan landrace yields?

    Sup y'all! I got my hands on four types of afghan landrace seeds (Balkhi, Mazar-i-Sharif, Badakshan, Kunduz). Balkhi and Mazar-i-Sharif both seemed to yield heavy from google searches, but I've heard from people that landraces generally don't yield much. I wanted to know if anybody has grown...
  5. FoShiggy

    2 week of Flowering Transplant

    Howdy, I originally had two plants in a 4x12 gardening box, due to me moving I had to transplant them into 20 gallon pots. It was my first time doing this type of transplant so I believe there may be some root damage but not terribly bad. Just curious what tips y’all may have for these next...
  6. Jasonm7794

    What are these?

    What's going on everyone I can't tell what these things are but with no flash from the phone they look black with speck on the back they all hang on top of the leaves and there is black spots under the leaves I'm thinking thrips
  7. F

    Dream grow - any advise?

    Hello Currently planning an outdoor grow, location southern France. will be starting the grow at the end of April, but right now I have a dilemma between one huge photo farm or have a couple of runs ofoutdoor autos. If anyone can let me know what they think, also if you have any tips in...
  8. Steveo123

    2020 Outdoor Grow Diary

    Hi Guys, I thought I'd put something together on here to track my 2020 grow and hopefully be able to give an end to end journey of all the good, bad and ugly things that happen over the session. Please do comment or advise if you feel there are any errors made or areas that could be done...
  9. P

    Stealth outdoor greenhouse!

    Hi! I decided to make a 110x110x200 green house growing a northern light auto which tend to have a low odor. 1. any other stealth ideas? 2. what foil/wall should I make my green house out of with a reasonable price 3. Other important things that I should know about 4. Sorry for my english lol
  10. Steveo123

    Uk Guerrilla Grow

    Hi guys, I'm a week or two from flowering (mid August) for my photoperiod plants, although this isn't my first gorilla grow, I wanted to get some feedback from anyone and everyone who has more experience at this than me enabling me to improve on last years yield. I've been keeping a grow diary...
  11. Steveo123

    Outdoor grow UK

    Hi guys, I'm a week or two from flowering (mid August) for my photoperiod plants, although this isn't my first gorilla grow, I wanted to get some feedback from anyone and everyone who has more experience at this than me enabling me to improve on last years yield. I've been keeping a grow diary...
  12. Gregnhart

    Organic Skywalker Kush and Og Kush by DNA

    I’m growing Skywalker Kush right now and a OG Kush by DNA genetics , I have one Black D.o.g as well . Everything is organic no nutrients and so far so good
  13. Jpwt92

    Can a few rainy days in a row induce flower?

    I'm growing a couple plants in my usual place of grow as i normally do in this time of year, everything I have done has been to a T of my last grows. Now normally with where I place my plants the flowering starts occurring around the last week of august, but I have pistils starting to show now...
  14. G

    Help with outdoor grow

    Hey there!! can someone help out with what the hell is going on here... I keep removing the bad leaves but it keeps coming - plants getting too skinny now and I’m worried. Started fixing the Water PH but things only got worst... tried feeding it some nutrients and no response either so I’m...
  15. R

    First time grower

    Last time I posted this plant was when I needed help on identifying the gender which people were very helpful with, which as a first time grower I was really appreciative of. And now basically a full month later from when I first noticed the pistols on June 28th it’s looking stunning. I’m just...
  16. B

    High Alpine Genetics

    Just curious if anyone had grown or is currently growing any High Alpine Genetics seeds? This is my first every grow but I’m living in Virginia so THC content has to be below 0.3%. Got a 100 pack of Green Lightning seeds during Black Friday and put 12 of them into Jiffy pellets April 12th and 3...
  17. M

    Ready for harvest or not ?

    Heyy ppl i need some help here ... some advice for my plant , is it ready for chop or not ? Its outdoor sativa auto-flower / mandarine mist , its almost 3 months ..
  18. R

    Outdoor bubba Kush and zkittles

    Outdoor bubba Kush and zkittles, the seedlings are blueberry, pics from So-Cal on 7-23-20. Side note; This is a legal medical grow.
  19. ImJustLloyd

    indoor and outdoor growing

    Hey guys and gals, just curious if taking your plant(s) outside during the morning hours, and bringing them back inside during the heat of the day (here its 95 f) and back out during the afternoon hours, and back in during the night to finish out the light cycle causes stress, or is it beneficial?
  20. giantcola

    Forcing Bloom Phase outdoor, ADVICES?

    Hello everyone, this week i’m planning to force flowering on my outdoor girl, she is a +_66 days flowering strain and in my country i have 14 hours of daylight right now in mid July. I will build a “house” for her with panda film and poles to completely cover her for 12 hours straight during the...