Yellowing at tips of first leaves (pics)


I'm trying to figure out what might be wrong with my seedling. I'm thinking either nutrient burn or nitrogen toxicity from what I've been reading but since this is my first grow I don't know and would appreciate help diagnosing the problem. One of my plants is starting to yellow on the tips of her first true leaves. She is two weeks from when her germinated seed was put in soil. I originally had put her in miracle grow because I'm new at this and thought it would be great but was told that Miracle-Gro is terrible for marijuana and that I should transplant her into foxfarm ocean Forest and that that would be the best soil for its whole life. Now I'm finding out that it is a hot soil and not good for seedlings. She growing in a Solo Cup. The humidity is currently around 30%, I am looking into buying a humidifier to raise the humidity. The temperature in my grow box is around 78 to 85 °F depending on if the lights are on or off and is lined with aluminum soil for reflection. I am using 8 daylight 23 watt CFL lights for 3 seedlings. I have bought a soil tester to test the ph, N, P, & K and also have a pH water tester coming in the mail tomorrow along with ph up and pH Down. The pH is 7.5 ( I know that is too high and I will be lowering it when I get the PH down in the mail tomorrow), the N was in the high category, the P was in the very low category, and they K was in the low category. I do have 1 oscillating fan above them blowing air down and a vent in the back of the grow box to get rid of old air. I started out using tap water that was left out for 24 hours and then switched to distilled water and have been using that for about a week. For the first few days I was watering everyday but then got told they were being watered too much so now have been watering every 3 to 5 days just depending on the soil. I have not given the seedling any extra nutrients and what is already in the soil. The light cycle I have been using is 18 on and 6 off. Below are pictures of her. If I left out any other details needed please let me know and I will be happy to answer them.
These are pictures taken today:
And this are pictures taken yesterday:
20160720_083148.jpg (only a little yellow on one leaf)
And this one was taken the day before:
20160719_082200.jpg (no yellowing yet)
Before the yellowing start for a couple of days a had a slight problem with her first true leaves drooping when she would be taken off the light..
20160718_123734.jpg (this is when her leaves were drooping)
I also have some happy frog soil that I bought today. Trying to decide if I should transplant her into happy frog since its better for seedlings or if transplanting again so young would be more hurtful then it would be helpful.. Anyone have any ideas what might be the problem with her leaves? and if I should transplant her or just keep her in ffof and ph the water tomorrow? Thank you for any help in advance!


Yep I'd say a mixture of ph & nutrient problems. I would flush the plant with ph water (5.5 - 5 8) for a few days and allow the leaves to regenerate then carefully apply your PH nutrient solution. Remember to add your specific amount of nutrientS to your water give it a good mix then do your ph. Also M G is bad for our babies! I think within 4-7 days she will flourish.


Well-Known Member
MG and FFOF are both hot soils for seedlings go to is the light warrior seedling mix great success with it .....your soil is probably hot .....and if you do end up in ffof later it buffers ph itself so don't worry about that idk about MG soil ......good luck though


Sounds good. I put my seedling in ph root riot cubes and they have their first true leaves in 5 days then plant in clay pebbles. It's always worked for me.


Yep I'd say a mixture of ph & nutrient problems. I would flush the plant with ph water (5.5 - 5 8) for a few days and allow the leaves to regenerate then carefully apply your PH nutrient solution. Remember to add your specific amount of nutrientS to your water give it a good mix then do your ph. Also M G is bad for our babies! I think within 4-7 days she will flourish.
Thank you.. I will try that. So you think doing a flush will be more beneficial then a transplant to happy frog?


MG and FFOF are both hot soils for seedlings go to is the light warrior seedling mix great success with it .....your soil is probably hot .....and if you do end up in ffof later it buffers ph itself so don't worry about that idk about MG soil ......good luck though
I've looked for light warrior everywhere around where I live and can't find it anywhere. For the next grow I'll buy some online but it will take too long for this grow so that's why I bought happy frog. I was told at my nursery that happy frog is good for seedlings also.


I think happy frog might burn a lil bit aswell but I'm not 100%. I would be tempted if you are going to use happy frog though to maybe mix with perlite or clay pebbles to help with drainage and definitely line the base of your pot with these.
If you are able though I would transplant right away into happy frog mix with perlite and give it a nice bit of PH water. I hope this helps.


I think happy frog might burn a lil bit aswell but I'm not 100%. I would be tempted if you are going to use happy frog though to maybe mix with perlite or clay pebbles to help with drainage and definitely line the base of your pot with these.
If you are able though I would transplant right away into happy frog mix with perlite and give it a nice bit of PH water. I hope this helps.
My ph down comes in the mail today so I think that that is what I will do is transplant her over to Happy Frog with perlite, I do already have perlite because I used it with ffof, and then give her ph'd water and hope that helps her out. Do you know if temperatures are too high if they can cause the yellowing on the leaves?


Well-Known Member
Usually high temp will affect more of the leaf overall ....judging from your pic's N tox IMO ....your leafs are very dark green and u got the burnt end ....typical signs of N tox


Usually high temp will affect more of the leaf overall ....judging from your pic's N tox IMO ....your leafs are very dark green and u got the burnt end ....typical signs of N tox
What do you think would be the best thing for me to do for N toxicity? Sorry I'm really new at all of this. Would it help if I ph'd the water or should I transplant into different soil or is there something else that would be better to do for N tox? Thank you so much for your help


Well-Known Member
What do you think would be the best thing for me to do for N toxicity? Sorry I'm really new at all of this. Would it help if I ph'd the water or should I transplant into different soil or is there something else that would be better to do for N tox? Thank you so much for your help
Is the happy frog you have a seedling soil ....I use light warrior so I don't know much about happy frog ......also later if you go with fox farms ocean forest you don't have to ph because it buffers itself ....I don't ph my soil grows at all myself .....sometimes I let the water sit out a day or two to let the city waters chlorine evaporate but other times it's straight out my hose into my girls no noticeable difference in soil for me......


Is the happy frog you have a seedling soil ....I use light warrior so I don't know much about happy frog ......also later if you go with fox farms ocean forest you don't have to ph because it buffers itself ....I don't ph my soil grows at all myself .....sometimes I let the water sit out a day or two to let the city waters chlorine evaporate but other times it's straight out my hose into my girls no noticeable difference in soil for me......
I was told at the nursery and by a couple other people that it is good for seedlings. So I tested the ffof yesterday and it was high it nitrogen.. you said ocean forrest ph itself so is that where the nitrogen should be later on in their life? I was told light warrior is good but it isn't sold around me. I was using tap water that sat ouy for 24 hours and then switched to distilled. Do you think tap water is better than distilled?


Well-Known Member
Tap water sat out isn't guna hurt anything ...I've never used distilled and like I said before sometimes I water straight from the hose without letting the water even sit with no ill effects at all .....and fox farms buffers itself and has ample food to last a while for bigger plants in it already that's why it can be to hot for seedlings....


Well-Known Member
Happy Frog is good for seedlings, so is ocean forest, people claim its too hot for little ones but ive never had a problem


Well-Known Member
Happy Frog is good for seedlings, so is ocean forest, people claim its too hot for little ones but ive never had a problem
I've had it go both ways with ffof I don't risk it anymore I've even had decent size clones over feed in ffof ....I've always had good success with light warrior no problems ....and from her pics above those little ones are over fed ....


Well-Known Member
literally put thousands of clones directly into solo cups of OF without issue, always with RO water tho.
Do you ammend the OF at all ?? I love FFOF soil but in recent years we have ran into problems with it def wise ....but I was told last year they had opened a new operation and were using some new products in it and quality control was lacking ....don't know how true that is .....but personally I won't put small clones or seedlings directly in it ....anyways happy growing