Wtf is this

Eric w

New Member
I just opened this bag of sunshine number for soil. what is a good treat meant so I don’t kill the seedling.Looks like fungus but I have no idea I just open the bag of soil so I know it’s not on my end. Please help. Thanks


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
that does look like mildew....make up some water with hydrogen peroxide and it will kill that, if you're using the 3% stuff from the drugstore, use about 20% h2o2 to 80% water.
that may or may not have come i nthe soil, it's usually found in grow rooms that aren't very clean, have too high RH, and poor ventilation....does any of that apply to you? if not, it might be the soil...if so, i'd just get rid of it
if any of that does apply to you...FIX IT

Eric w

New Member
that does look like mildew....make up some water with hydrogen peroxide and it will kill that, if you're using the 3% stuff from the drugstore, use about 20% h2o2 to 80% water.
that may or may not have come i nthe soil, it's usually found in grow rooms that aren't very clean, have too high RH, and poor ventilation....does any of that apply to you? if not, it might be the soil...if so, i'd just get rid of it
if any of that does apply to you...FIX IT
No I keep my RA about 40 temperature 70 to 80 Fahrenheit and I bleach everything when I’m done with a grow so I guess it’s probably just the soil I’ll just pitch it but if I do the hydrogen peroxide do you think the seedling will make it or should I just pitch that to.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
No I keep my RA about 40 temperature 70 to 80 Fahrenheit and I bleach everything when I’m done with a grow so I guess it’s probably just the soil I’ll just pitch it but if I do the hydrogen peroxide do you think the seedling will make it or should I just pitch that to.
only one way to tell...try it and see. as long as the pm hasn't actually started to break down the seedlings skin/bark, it should be alright. it won't take long to figure it out


Well-Known Member
From the small size of the stem, it’s a young plant, so try something and learn from it. If it turns out f’d up, not a big deal. Good luck bro