will my plant keep growing?


Well-Known Member
i just cut all my top buds off and wondering will all the lower popcorn buds keep growing or me cutting them that much too much stress ?2013-10-15_17-42-04_157.jpg bad pic i can get better one cause there is so many bud sites left


Well-Known Member
Many people harvest the tops and let the smaller buds finish up longer, I don't but I know many who do.


Well-Known Member
yea i mean if they do plump up i bet there could be another 1/4 to 1/2 oz.ill try to get a side pic of the lower half prob tomorrow


Active Member
reveg it,lol,i will be cuting all my mains off in a bout 2 week,then ill be reveging it,,there is another post in here about that,i will do mine somewhat differnt,im already getting new growth where i cut all the lower braches few weeks ago,i go half oz of cured bud from those tiny branchesDSC_2598.jpg


Well-Known Member
cut the mature off then letting the bottom keep flowering. pop corn buds. usually will not grow more. they will just become more mature. after the first 2 or 3 weeks of flower the plant is done flowering. you should read up on how to trim a plant to get max yield. I trim off those bottom branches. and I get better yield on top.


Well-Known Member
Just to experiment I left 2 in ground plants with all the tops harvested to see if the popcorn would do anything. I've only given them water and now after 2 weeks some of the buds are noticeably bigger. Ill still just use them for hash but they did get bigger. Growth was very slow and the plants seem to attract insects. So I'm not doing that again, it's not worth it in my opinion.
Quite a few conflicting theories here. Interesting. Here's the deal. Yes, they will absolutely grow bigger, and mature, and become much heavier and dense. The plant redirects its energy into maturing that part of the plant which still remains. In this case, the smaller buds on the lower branches. This happens all the time in nature, which is why you don't pick all the raspberries, or apples, when you see the top of the bush or tree is ripened. Sometimes people get too lazy or impatient, but patience (coupled with knowledge) pays off in harvesting. Give the bottom two more weeks. Yes, the growth is slow... because those buds have not hit stride yet, hence their immaturity in the first place. The only question is one of scalable resources, by which I mean, is it worth it to run your lights to mature your lower buds to peak. If your plant is small, the answer is likely no. If you've grow very large plants, and there's quite a bit of potential yield then the scale of resources necessary in relation to the potential harvest of mature buds would comparably dictate that you see the lower crop through to peak.