why dmt might is related to death?


Active Member
my idea is based on, when u die dmt is release, when you smoke it, it feels like forever you are dreaming, of either a heaven like experience or hellish. so befor you die, it tricks u into thinking you are in that heavenly place forever instead of coming back from a trip when u smoke it. its kindof fucked up if its actually true, or even when its just a thought. really u died but when u tripped it seemed to go one foreven making u think its for ever, who knows thats just something that came to my mind after i came off it the next day.


Well-Known Member
Yes. check into Dr. Livingston studies. He writes about being attacked by a lion in the African bush. He claims you hallucinate right before the animal bites into your neck. All animals have this ability to accept death and move to the next relm or oblivion

wrote one of the most vivid descriptions of what it’s like to have the jaws of death literally clamped around your neck, an animal bent on munching you like so many corn chips. The lion “caught me by the shoulder as he sprang, and we both came to the ground together. Growling horribly close to my ear, [the lion] shook me as a terrier dog does a rat. The shock . . . caused a dreaminess, in which there was no sense of pain nor feeling of terror, though quite conscious of all that was happening.”
I have had the same idea. It would be cool but fucked up if I'm tripping forever. I would like to see friends and family on the other side


Active Member
Yes. check into Dr. Livingston studies. He writes about being attacked by a lion in the African bush. He claims you hallucinate right before the animal bites into your neck. All animals have this ability to accept death and move to the next relm or oblivion

wrote one of the most vivid descriptions of what it’s like to have the jaws of death literally clamped around your neck, an animal bent on munching you like so many corn chips. The lion “caught me by the shoulder as he sprang, and we both came to the ground together. Growling horribly close to my ear, [the lion] shook me as a terrier dog does a rat. The shock . . . caused a dreaminess, in which there was no sense of pain nor feeling of terror, though quite conscious of all that was happening.”

i know what u mean, but i ment dmt is giving us a false heaven that when created for our selfs, like our dreams. the fucked up part is we have been dead, its just that moments of finial death and dmt tripp was so real and intense that it felt like u left earth and time stoped, giving you what feels like forever, and u tricked yourself into thinking its forever but your really dead, is this are reward for living?