What's going on with my leaves??

mr jones15

Well-Known Member
They were doing totally fine inside under 24 hours of light then I moved them outside and they started getting swamped by bugs and whatever is making my leaves droop!


OG Gardenz

Active Member
takes them a bit to adjust to outside setting. looks like it is wet or humid where your growing be careful of black mold and powdery mildew.

you could foliar spray soluble kelp, yucca, and fulvic acid... this would help with hormones, plant defense/spreader, small ion leaf penatrator w/t iron.

we are all about biostimulants here in the emerald triangle. :leaf::bigjoint:

OG Gardenz

Active Member
looks like only the old sun leaves that have the necrosis... rest of plant looks great... probably just adjusting to the light.


Well-Known Member
Was gonna say . . . . .I started sweating when I looked at that picture, lmao . . . .what was the RH in the room and what's the RH outside??

Could you have spilt nutrient on that leaf that the sun has scorched??

takes them a bit to adjust to outside setting. looks like it is wet or humid where your growing be careful of black mold and powdery mildew.

you could foliar spray soluble kelp, yucca, and fulvic acid... this would help with hormones, plant defense/spreader, small ion leaf penatrator w/t iron.

we are all about biostimulants here in the emerald triangle. :leaf::bigjoint:


mr jones15

Well-Known Member
I have no idea they were in a cool basement under some t5s I used my concoction of subcools super soil and they took off!! But now I got them outside snails damn near devoured them all I swear there was at least 30 snails per plant. . And now it's been raining for almost all month and farmers almanac says it's going to continue to rain all summer. . So now all my plants are getting water logged one snapped at the base I just put a stick in it and turd it up they're sitting under and umbrella right now but I have to move in an hour and put them back in woods but I need ideas please! ! How am I going to keep them from getting drenched and dying? I even though about buying a little greenhouse and trying to find somewhere inconspicuous in the woods but idk how well that'd go you'd prolly see it pretty easy and I don't wanna spend hundreds on something that might not even work. Help!

OG Gardenz

Active Member
get a tent and a high output lamp and bring it inside.. you could pull off a small setup for $200, or even less if you make your own tent/space

if you cant pull that off I say just buy weed.. unless your in it for the adventure..?


Well-Known Member
youd have to climb with it, then find a nice few branches for support, then strap the shit out of it.

mr jones15

Well-Known Member
Bud is not a problem for me I get the medical stuff I just wanna grow for the fun of it and climbing a tree!? How do you suppose I go about doing that..