What week and General Hydroponics Flora series performance pack do you start clones at


20200204_113205_HDR.jpg20200204_112916.jpg these clones are given to me not yet just cut put in water around January 6th on January 23rd I got my cloner and they've been in the cloner for 13 days now and this is what the roots look like I know I have problems with the top part these are just given to me and now I got seeds already growing and my tote so after one more week in my cloner and I go to put them in my toe my question is what do I start my nutrients at seedling level early growth are late growth need help got one more week before I got a transplant them


Well-Known Member
I always start my clones in DWC at 300ppm. For me that works out to slightly less than 1ml/L of all 3 of my 3-part AN nutes.

I did a test a while back and 1ml/L Grow gives 85ppm, Micro 140, Bloom 110. So for a 50L tote of RO water I'll put in 47ml of each. I don't bother with CalMag right off the bat. In a week or so I'll start adding small amounts of the nutes to raise the ppm as they start growing faster. I might change the nutes after the stretch but usually just drain some off and feed only Micro and Bloom Lucas Formula style. Big Bud too of course.
