What happens if you put a plant into flowering stage and then increase the light?


New Member
I have a couple of plants in front of a window and would like to put them into the flowering stage in a couple of weeks by blocking the light to 12/12. What happens if you get a plant into the flowering stage and then go back to a longer period of light exposure afterwards? Do they explode or die or something? Or will they just go ahead and flower? (These are not autoflowering plants)


Active Member
They may hermie-- and if so-get seeded, fluffy and less potent.
HOWEVER: Since it is almost the season for them to bloom (IF in the N. Hemesphere) you could force them into 12/12 then put them back in the window in mid-August---
keep in mind tho--
ANY extra light, streetlights, TV etc. will throw them off a bit.
And many plants do not fo well with just 'window light" you may need to suppliment during the day with a 100W cfl.... JMO ;) Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
They can do some crazy shit, grow in spirals, grow deformed, or do nothing at all. Once i had one that went all retarded started noding everywhere I was damn certain it would hermie but it didn't I got so much off that damn plant I wish I could duplicate the effect.


Active Member
LMAO! You guys crack me up..... LOVE the "photo" reminds me of when we did a outdoor grow and put colored silk flowers on all te plants so you'd see "flowers" thru the greenhouse plastic! LOL! (*hey- it worked!*)