What do you top your dress with?

sandhill larry

Well-Known Member
Yeah I just remember reading somewhere that chem nutes can kill all the critters living in the soil maybe it's not 100% true
With ferts like MG, they use salts that can build up in the soil over time. This is what lots of folks are talking about when they say how bad chemical ferts are. But when you have a plant with a deficiency, a shot of MG is like taking medicine.

If dumped in large quantities, chemical ferts will kill microbes. But when you have plenty of microbial activity to start with, a cup of time release in 45 gallon soil mix isn't the end of the world. I use 10 gallons of mushroom compost per 45 gallon soil mix. That stuff has enough microbes to cancel out any bad that comes from the time release.

I do use blood and bone meal in my mixes, but only 2-3 cups per mix. Also 1 cup of some organic ferts that is a smelly as shit. {I'm sure it is mostly chicken shit} I try to get the soil out 2-3 weeks before they plants go into it. That way you kind of know what wants to root it up.