What are the ultimate goals of the Left and Right in our country?


Well-Known Member
When you decide to do something you generally have a goal in mind that you would like to accomplish. Often, the left and right state their goals in a way that is flowery and more or less is the same exact words with no real idea of what the long term goal is. So, the questions are :

"Just what exactly is the end goal of the Democrat and Republican parties?"

"What point is far enough left for the Democrat party, and once people are used to being at that point, won't they start pushing further left?" Then the same question with Republicans.

I don't think it will ever stop moving to the left unless there is a massive revolution. We have consistently moved to the left over the long term. It isn't Left and Right in a conventional sense that we think of when using the terms. Left and Right of Center would be the usual idea people get when they say them.

All of you here in the politics forum know I am a Libertarian. It is my view that people who can vote against things like guns and for things abortion and vice versa at the same time are hypocrites who are using knee jerk emotional reactions to justify their directly conflicting philosophy on two subjects in the course of 30 seconds. It is bewildering and almost like talking to two different people at the same time. It is honestly disturbing to some of us that the major parties in the country are this woefully irrational and that they are heading towards a future they might not have considered. When does the left push from society stop and it equals out so there is no push or pull in either direction? Or does it start heading right again?


New Member
Dude this post is out there, the left will say the same thing, that we have went too far to the right...bro I hate to say it but your caught in the left/right paradime...the ultimate goal? There isn't one for the democrats or the republicans...to make as much money as they can get away with by keeping us divided which keeps them in power.

Meanwhile we are yelling at each other about fucking marriage or something retarded while they are playing golf together on our dime.


Well-Known Member
Conservative, n: A statesman who is enamored of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal who wishes to replace them with others.
Ambrose Bierce


Well-Known Member
The federal/state oligarchy is really just one big party (for them). All the rest is designed to keep the rest of us too decisive about trivial matters while they consolidate power and loot the country.


Well-Known Member
Dude this post is out there, the left will say the same thing, that we have went too far to the right...bro I hate to say it but your caught in the left/right paradime...the ultimate goal? There isn't one for the democrats or the republicans...to make as much money as they can get away with by keeping us divided which keeps them in power.

Meanwhile we are yelling at each other about fucking marriage or something retarded while they are playing golf together on our dime.
I'm not oblivious. I just wanted to get the take from lefties and righties exactly what they think their ideal goal is where they would be satisfied. You know me better than that. lol. How many times have you seen me talk about the very ideals of Liberalism and how Democrats are not liberal and the ideas of Conservatism and how the Republicans are not conservative. I always assumed there was no goal, just a feeling inside that they don't feel secure so they need to be taken care of or some insane feelings of immorality that they have to cope with and do so by passing laws that are retarded. I believe that fascism and communism are the ultimate real life results of the paths the two want to follow, but is that what their honest goals are or do they strive for something else more noble. I really don't get warm tingly feelings inside believing that 90 percent of the country is so stupid that they don't have any future goals for the country and they are willing to let communism and fascism be the reality of our future without even realizing it.


Well-Known Member
Code for the majority equally poor, and not equal.
I thought it could be interpreted to mean Right=Smart, financially successful and employed vs. Left: Stupid, poor by choice and losers. Not that i think Carne ACTUALLY meant that. I think he believes that Left = Compassionate, but we all know that caring compassionate people come from all walks of life. The left has no monopoly on caring.


New Member
Or perhaps he believes that because the Democrats have traditionally claimed civil rights issues as their own, hijacking them conveniently to keep the people at bay...

Well That is part of it at least.

Democrats = Evil Government advocates
Republican = Evil Private sector advocates


Well-Known Member
Or perhaps he believes that because the Democrats have traditionally claimed civil rights issues as their own, hijacking them conveniently to keep the people at bay...

Well That is part of it at least.

Democrats = Evil Government advocates
Republican = Evil Private sector advocates
Which is amusing when you consider the fact that it was the Democrats that started the KKK, and Martin Luther King was a Republican.


Well-Known Member
I thought it could be interpreted to mean Right=Smart, financially successful and employed vs. Left: Stupid, poor by choice and losers. Not that i think Carne ACTUALLY meant that. I think he believes that Left = Compassionate, but we all know that caring compassionate people come from all walks of life. The left has no monopoly on caring.
I think the anti business dems are not really anti business, just anti business that they cannot exploit. Look at Obamacare, the big beneficiaries of that will be GE and Big Pharma, his largest supporters.


Well-Known Member
Right: making money
Left: Social justice and equality

When I said incorrect, I meant that I did not mean for you to give the goals of the other side, just your own. Your goals are social justice and equality then. Why does the left support laws that in their basic essence give the impression that blacks are not capable of being equal without government help? Why would you expect someone of lackluster intelligence, lacks motivation, or just doesn't care to be equal to someone who works hard, is intelligent, or is motivated to succeed? Are they not by definition unequal? We have all seen poor white, black, and yellow people move far beyond what they were born as and become hugely successful. Why cannot then every black, yellow, and white man do the same? Can there ever really be equality? Social justice means different things to different people. You have to be more specific with the term though I believe I understand your point.

How do you think we could accomplish these two goals?