we have lift off


Well-Known Member
first no one goes to the space forum!!!!!
second http://edition.cnn.com/2012/05/22/tech/us-spacex/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

3rd finally the space x falcon launched this morning while everyone was either asleep or 2 stoned to give a shit. i was asleep... it took long enough but this is the time when private idiots get to try and make it to space on their own. its working so far. there are a ton of companies out there working for nasa with contracts in the billions funny how these companies went up before USA cut funding and just sat and waited for nasa to call up. we all knew it was coming. soon there will be a space hotel ready maybe next year. i cant remember where i saw it

and russia also


i wish i was young as shit and still in school id be pulling straight fucken A's across the board to go 3 days in the sky.


Well-Known Member
virgin sounded like a killer idea but they are more for tourists then for exspanding nasa. right now it looks like nasa with the help of SX will have a very nice future. and with nasa funding SX they will be going very far now that someone else is footing the bill so watch out we could have a big race on our hands very fast. think about it, i am. the possibilities are endless


Ursus marijanus
The Virgin "spaceship" isn't scalable ... they're pushing the edge of their technology making the 100-km mark and then doing a "shuttlecock" reentry in a plastic ship. The SpaceX effort is old-fashioned but oh so tried&true. They've also successfully orbited their Dragon spacecraft (like a cross between a Soyuz and a Corvair imo) which can pull double duty as an unmanned "trash hauler" to space stations (mention obvious candidate here) in LEO. cn


Ursus marijanus
pretty soon there will be lift offs by the month and then the day
Unfortunately ... no. Not until there's something within practical reach that'll pay for the flights. Comsats are the moneymaker in space now, and they don't need a zillion of them because each one has such amazing broadband capabilities. cn


Well-Known Member
like i posted there is a hotel. plus they are mining astroids soon and there are so many plans for so much more its going to pay for it self. with the money SX is going to get the money they had to start the project will now go into allot more projects. plus there is a plan to have people fly a days worth in an hour or so. we cant stop it. billionairs and lower are paying for the first rides and making it cheaper for the rest of us.


Well-Known Member

well get ready we are about to face a new day. since the launch of the SX rocket companies have come forward(thats all it takes) to state their intentions. monkey see monkey do. now with SX a 2 days away from docking people are putting more plans togeather.

the way i see it SX paid 1 bill+ for their rocket project and got 300 mill + from nasa in seed money so now the dude wont have to pay so much to have his space company running from his own pcoket. so it saves him money but also gives him more to put towards another rocket and make things happen faster.= more contracts. so if private space dudes get to do this, i dont see why we wont have someone creating their own space projects and going without nasa anywhere they want which= more people trying to get contracts from these guys and thus making a space boom.


Well-Known Member
google offering!!!
space race for the moon is now under way. it says^^^ 30 mill but also 20 mill later on down i dont no which. but it sounds like someone wants to get a jump start for a company to stay on the moon. there is no other reason for this to be going on than to try and get a company to think well i'll win the 20-30 mill and set a base there and start a lunar station. the dead line is 2015 3 years to get a rocket up and on the moon. it wouldnt be a surprise if someone came out tomorrow stating they had a rocket ready to launch and stay on the moon for some time. i think if the billioniars saw this space fight going down they would put allot of cash down to buy a space company and fund it off their wealth. below is a link for some info on mining astroids which will help with water in space and metals( hopefully gold goes down) and their financial backers for that project? hmmm microsoft exect and o yeah google ceo



Well-Known Member

base planed by [FONT=&quot]Bigelow Aerospace , they have 2 shuttles one ive read about extensively and its [/FONT][FONT=&quot]BA-330 can have 2 of the same modules attached and become its own station which is what is in the works. it might go beyond nasa to do so in the future but it got a contract for 2005-06 for 18 mill to help with their space craft. NASA has put allot of money into all these companies in hopes to get something out of it such as flights to and from its trillion dollar station. but time will tell where all this is going to end up.


Well-Known Member
today they will open up the hatch after docking yesterday, so this will be the first of many flights space x has 12 in the works with nasa,or 11 after this not sure. the contracts will keep on coming to other companies. with stuff like this you can imagine the amount of tension it will bring later. so i hope these guys are preparing to go without nasa, lord knows somewhere they will get a stick up their ass and make a dumb ass rule for nothing.

unrelated and direct quote

"Dragon's successful test flight will clear SpaceX to begin its 12-flight, $1.6 billion contract with NASA to fly cargo to and from the station.

A second freighter being developed by Orbital Sciences Corp is expected to debut later this year. Orbital holds a second NASA cargo delivery contract worth $1.9 billion.
The Obama administration is pushing Congress to embrace similar partnership arrangement for commercial space taxis to fly astronauts as well.
Legislators last year halved Obama's request for space taxi design work to $406 million. Proposed spending plans for the year beginning October 1 would cut the White House's $830 million request to no more than $525 million."

so OA is wanting to fund the space project more. which is kool that gives more money to getting us back to the moon. russias already trying for a station now with USA having a hissy with these dudes, you know we never really trust anyone, we are going to be trying to pass russia in getting to the moon because well we think these dudes are going to use it for military space shit and could start a war or something... thinking out loud

orbital science corp(1.9 bill) has a bigger contract with nasa than space x(1.6 bill) we will see where this will head.
which means OSC will have more money to play with.

dragon is fucking huge!!!! why cant it have an eco lab on board?



Well-Known Member
http://www.space.com/15885-spacex-dragon-capsule-station-astronauts.html^^^ watch the video at the bottom, notice how fast the earth is moving until the dude speaks.