We Do Not Have The Ability to Know God

rollin in grass

Well-Known Member
There would also be no practical use for nuclear technology at that time.
if we had nuclear tech at that time we would also have civilization, in which nuclear war threats would still be happening..why use guns when we could just nuke your whole community/tribe or whatever

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
we as human beings are not yet ready to get past our egotistical selves. we like to think we know, but thats exactly all we do. we think we know, where in fact we know less than 5% of what is actually going on around us.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
you can only experience god, but this is something you will never believe unless you have tried to do it before. the only way ive been able to even come close, and i dont even know if it was god, but it was something different, is through meditation.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm.....never tried it
I experience God through his creations. It's like seeing the artist by looking at his work.
I am a creature of God and that makes me pretty special but I don't think of it as ego.


Well-Known Member
The actual entity of God (or whatever word you wish to describe it) may in fact be so vast and pure, that we in flesh can not stand before it, and the conditioning of our religions and cultures may influence our perspective of god (male god, female god, angry god, many gods). But we are in fact a part of god as a whole. Its like experiencing your arm...It is you, and it is a part of you, can also be a separate entity, but works as a whole with the body. People like to look at God as an external force outside ourselves, judging us, watching us, acting separate than us...But we are splinters of GOD, sent to experience its creations. If we stop putting a divider between the creation and the creator, we will find that we all are one, as well as you and god are one, and many possibility's with in yourself may open because of that. I think some who have not experienced god, think its just a fairy tale...Which is true for them, because that is their reality. They have not awakened to the god connection with in themselves, and go against the grain to speak. Alot of people dont want to believe in God, and lean towards atheism because they see it like a battle against the church. To admit there may be a higher power would be a surrender to the church, which is very far from the truth. The church can act as a government, the same as a country or state, and God works inside the individual. Religion is of man, spirituality is of GOD. The internal struggle with the concept of rather God is real or not, should be one debated on the inside with the spirit. Not fought in public. Its something you must do within yourself. Sometimes people add ego, and pride to the discussion, but ultimately your beliefs are your own, because each person is different, and each person's connection with the creator is different. Individually we are just another voice in the crowd, our opinion no better or more valuable than the next guys. If you experence hate or anger when disussing or thinking about the concept of GOD, it may be beacuse you feel hostile towards people's interpitation of GOD, and need to seek your own interpitation. Everyone who reads a book has a different interpitation, or meaning they take from that story...The same can be said for each persons connection with source as well.



Well-Known Member
The actual entity of God may in fact be so vast and pure, that we in flesh can not stand before it, and the conditioning of our religions and cultures may influence our perspective of god. But we are in fact a part of god as a whole. Its like experiencing your arm...It is you, and it is a part of you, can also be a separate entity, but works as a whole with the body. People like to look at God as an external force outside ourselves, judging us, watching us, acting separate than us...But we are splinters of GOD, sent to experience its creations.
That's just about what I think too.
I'm just too stoned at the moment to have thought it. So thanks for thinkin it for me....lol


Well-Known Member
The actual entity of God (or whatever word you wish to describe it) may in fact be so vast and pure, that we in flesh can not stand before it, and the conditioning of our religions and cultures may influence our perspective of god (male god, female god, angry god, many gods). But we are in fact a part of god as a whole. Its like experiencing your arm...It is you, and it is a part of you, can also be a separate entity, but works as a whole with the body. People like to look at God as an external force outside ourselves, judging us, watching us, acting separate than us...But we are splinters of GOD, sent to experience its creations. If we stop putting a divider between the creation and the creator, we will find that we all are one, as well as you and god are one, and many possibility's with in yourself may open because of that. I think some who have not experienced god, think its just a fairy tale...Which is true for them, because that is their reality. They have not awakened to the god connection with in themselves, and go against the grain to speak. Alot of people dont want to believe in God, and lean towards atheism because they see it like a battle against the church. To admit there may be a higher power would be a surrender to the church, which is very far from the truth. The church can act as a government, the same as a country or state, and God works inside the individual. Religion is of man, spirituality is of GOD. The internal struggle with the concept of rather God is real or not, should be one debated on the inside with the spirit. Not fought in public. Its something you must do within yourself. Sometimes people add ego, and pride to the discussion, but ultimately your beliefs are your own, because each person is different, and each person's connection with the creator is different. Individually we are just another voice in the crowd, our opinion no better or more valuable than the next guys. If you experence hate or anger when disussing or thinking about the concept of GOD, it may be beacuse you feel hostile towards people's interpitation of GOD, and need to seek your own interpitation. Everyone who reads a book has a different interpitation, or meaning they take from that story...The same can be said for each persons connection with source as well.

You need to post in this section more. everything you said here is 100% correct.