war on drugs losong steam


Well-Known Member

and most cops I've talked with agreed as well, nothing but a huge waste of resources, lives (on both sides) and for what?

More drugs, more violence, and more money going to huge criminal empires...


Well-Known Member
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Obama budget allocates two thirds of it's war on drugs
budget to enforcement, one third to prevention. It's the same old same old.

Total budget for the war on drugs is like 15 billion per year at the moment...

The war on drugs is alive and kicking.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Obama budget allocates two thirds of it's war on drugs
budget to enforcement, one third to prevention. It's the same old same old.

Total budget for the war on drugs is like 15 billion per year at the moment...

The war on drugs is alive and kicking.
true but its still losing steam tax payers won't keep backing the war on drugs with none of the war's goals being met. you don't keep going to the same resarant when they don't meet you tast goals of there food do you? no. the money spent on the war on drugs could be spent on better programs. if parents are so worried about their kids getting hooked on drugs. then they should be more active in what their kids do. plus the more you tell kids that they can't do somthing the more they are going to want to know why they can't. they could take that 15 bill and use it to up grade the us briges. tha are in bad repair. just a couple of years ago ther was a brige collapse in mn.


Active Member
Did anyone see the recent ABC Nightline debate between Allen St-Pierre from NORML and Brian "something or other" from the Heritage Foundation? Whether you are on board with NORML's agenda or not (which I'm largely not), Allen did a decent job debating this Brian guy who got his ass handed to him on national TV. The real story of this debate was Brian's obnoxious, smiling hypocracy. It's a great case example of how annoyingly crystal clear someone can display their rank hypocracy, but be totally unaware of it themselves. I've never seen anything like it. He repeatedly brags about his enjoyment of alcohol and tobacco products with a shit eating grin on his face, while saying marijuana should remain prohibited because "it's not good for you."

Here's a link to the first vid...
