used baking powder instead of baking soda to raise ph will they be ok

Had an emergency situation. Changed reservoir water but the ph ended up at 4.9 ino baking soda is the go to for emergencys but I was all out of that so used baking powder instead. It raised the ph to the correct level but now im worried I could of done wrong. Does/has anyone else use baking powder?


Well-Known Member
You fucked up. Baking powder has a chemical called Retardion which makes the plant believe that it's conditions are the inverse of what they actually are. Therefore do the opposite of everything you usually do, i.e. use hardly any light, water once a month, and don't give it any nutrients. Make sure the air is stale too (no fans or air intake/exhaust).
It's a long shot, but if you follow these instructions, you should be able to pull at least 750g dry.


Staff member
baking powder is a totally different substance than baking soda.
they are not chemically the same
i dont do growing the way you do, but i bake alot ( like cookies) and im going say you probably will not have the results or outcomes you wanted.
baking soda is NOT ever a substitute for baking powder and vice versa


Well-Known Member
It's sodium bicarbonate you need, regardless of what it's called.
If you can't get a hold of any, pour some salt in your water (sodium) and then get a friend, and both of you breathe into the water (bi = 2, i.e. You and your friend. Carbonate = co2; the stuff we breathe out). It's a cheap b easy way of doing it.

Trolling aside, if it corrected your PH, it's fine. Shouldn't have any adverse effects on the plant.


Active Member
Seriously how much mix are you making up 500 litres, why didnt you just throw it out and start again, would of cost a small amount to just throw it away imo and then no messing about either..

Good luck either way


Well-Known Member
Had an emergency situation. Changed reservoir water but the ph ended up at 4.9 ino baking soda is the go to for emergencys but I was all out of that so used baking powder instead. It raised the ph to the correct level but now im worried I could of done wrong. Does/has anyone else use baking powder?
Baking powder is just baking soda with cream of tartar (tartaric acid) added to react with the baking soda and make bubbles. Apparently, there was less cream of tarter than baking soda in that batch. Tartaric acid won't harm plants in low concentration. Of course, you'd be better to use something other than sodium. Maybe a bottle of milk of magnesia, magnesium hydroxide. Plants can always use a little more magnesium.
Baking powder is just baking soda with cream of tartar (tartaric acid) added to react with the baking soda and make bubbles. Apparently, there was less cream of tarter than baking soda in that batch. Tartaric acid won't harm plants in low concentration. Of course, you'd be better to use something other than sodium. Maybe a bottle of milk of magnesia, magnesium hydroxide. Plants can always use a little more magnesium.
Thanks mate noted
Seriously how much mix are you making up 500 litres, why didnt you just throw it out and start again, would of cost a small amount to just throw it away imo and then no messing about either..

Good luck either way
Seriously how much mix are you making up 500 litres, why didnt you just throw it out and start again, would of cost a small amount to just throw it away imo and then no messing about either..

Good luck either way
I let 25ltr sit out a time Ino I should of started again.. uno the excitement of startong on your own again lol lesson learned