Upper Fan Leaves Yellowing - Week 4-5


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

10 Gal Smart Pots, Sensi Sci Orgnaic Super Soil. I supplement with Vegamatrix.

My Tahoe OG started yellowing some last week(around the end of week 4). So I fed her some Vegamatrix one day that week. Like 10ml/gal grow, bloom, and boost.

She has continued to yellow but it's only the upper fan leaves. I've linked a video below. Today is somewhere around day 37(I forgot my exact start date)

Thanks guys!!

PS> The damaged fan leaves on the left are from another plant, they are right in front of a fan and kind of shield the plant in question.



Well-Known Member
They were lacking N. Once the leaves go yellow they'll NEVER return to green. Do not sweat it. Learn from it. Your flowers will be fine.

I am unfamiliar with your nutes. But I can tell you I've never heard of a BLOOM mix that provides enough N for a plant to flower properly. If you haven't already write down what your feeding schedule was. So the next cycle you can mix your nutes with more grow and less bloom.

In general terms only. Early flower mostly (or all) GROW nutes (first 14 days). From week 2 until completion as the PPM rises so does the BLOOM nutes. Each week I use less GROW nutes and replace it with more BLOOM nutes. Eventually (3 weeks from finish or so) you'll have gradually reduced it to NO GROW nutes and all BLOOM nutes. In a well controlled environment and properly maintained plant you should still have light green leaves at harvest AND not have a plant with any excess N. All it takes is practice. It's taken some time but I've got my nutes down to where I only water my last 2 watering with 0ppm water.

The only need for excessive flushing is excessive feeding. The goal isn't to see how many nutes you can put in the soil. The real trick is only putting in as much is needed until the next feed/watering.

One of these days someone is going to make a sticky out of this issue. If I had a dollar for every time I've answered this question I'd be rich. Trust me it took me SEVERAL cycles to figure out you CAN'T just switch to BLOOM nutes day 1 of flower and ever expect to get to week 5 without seeing plants that look like yours.


Well-Known Member
I would not sweat those leaves turning yellow. Just the plant using the energy out of them. Plants outside do it all the time it is no biggie. You can pinch them off if you want. After a while they will fall off, bud and lower leaves will recieve more light if you do.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't N def usually start at the bottom of the plant? I'm thinking its a zinc issue although I don't really see how, or what to do about it exactly. I topped dressed 2 days ago and gave her a good watering.

Also, I've never had fan leaves start to fade this early. Started near the end of week 4.


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

10 Gal Smart Pots, Sensi Sci Orgnaic Super Soil. I supplement with Vegamatrix.

My Tahoe OG started yellowing some last week(around the end of week 4). So I fed her some Vegamatrix one day that week. Like 10ml/gal grow, bloom, and boost.

She has continued to yellow but it's only the upper fan leaves. I've linked a video below. Today is somewhere around day 37(I forgot my exact start date)

Thanks guys!!

PS> The damaged fan leaves on the left are from another plant, they are right in front of a fan and kind of shield the plant in question.

I will up the grow feed, mix with bloom plus some calmag, just to be in the safe side