Trumps Congressional Address


Well-Known Member
so let me just address each point of your brainiac argument

1. Thread- we are entitled to have differing opinions. What is democracy without that?
2. He's only been in office a short time. How can any intelligent person say he's a failure?
3. Our education system has been under plenty of democratic control. It' gotten worse (see poster for evidence)
4. (see point 3)
1. Yes we are. Why do you think the post is somehow keeping you from having your opinion?
2. It is easy. All you have to have is a little bit of awareness of what he is doing.
3. Plenty of democratic (sic) control? Our educational system clearly worked it's magic on you, Frito.

There is no point 4.


Well-Known Member
so let me just address each point of your brainiac argument

1. Thread- we are entitled to have differing opinions. What is democracy without that?
2. He's only been in office a short time. How can any intelligent person say he's a failure?
3. Our education system has been under plenty of democratic control. It' gotten worse (see poster for evidence)
4. (see point 3\)
5. I'm a pale frightened shrew of a 'man'. I was republicucked.
6. I'm mentally retarded, obviously.
You're welcome.


Well-Known Member
so let me just address each point of your brainiac argument

1. Thread- we are entitled to have differing opinions. What is democracy without that?
2. He's only been in office a short time. How can any intelligent person say he's a failure?
3. Our education system has been under plenty of democratic control. It' gotten worse (see poster for evidence)
4. (see point 3)
Your opinions are completely irrelevant and not based on fact. Your boyfriend is a jerk.


Well-Known Member
I was taught that the tactic of initial intransigence followed by a more reasonable approach is often a successful approach to negotiation. And this was in the context of a political-military simulation, not just business. It's not a style I ever felt really comfortable with personally but I figure Trump probably is. So is this part of the plan or an adaptation? The world wonders...


Well-Known Member it should be.

The Kremlin is not surprised that US President Donald Trump's first speech to the joint session of US Congress made no mention of Russia
"No, we are not surprised. He is the president of the United States. Naturally, he is engaged in US affairs. Our President [Vladimir] Putin is engaged in Russian affairs. It is absolutely normal," Peskov told reporters.


Well-Known Member it should be.

The Kremlin is not surprised that US President Donald Trump's first speech to the joint session of US Congress made no mention of Russia
"No, we are not surprised. He is the president of the United States. Naturally, he is engaged in US affairs. Our President [Vladimir] Putin is engaged in Russian affairs. It is absolutely normal," Peskov told reporters.
I forgot, was extra cheese the Russian connection?


Well-Known Member
I watched the speech. I guess I'm skeptical. It was well-rehearsed...unlike most of whatever other words have come out of his mouth....It was clear that he had been coached to tone it down...and he complied...HOWEVER...I was really appalled when he got to the obvious sympathy/propaganda segment -with the poor woman whose husband was killed...the camera kept getting closer....and closer to the woman's tearful face...The grief was obviously real, but she was there to be played by Trump & Co. as a chess piece. And then he had to have a racial reference with the black father whose son was killed and he referred to as his "good friend"...Come on, man! Really?...And then he also had to have an example of someone in a wheelchair. The points being: "Look at me! Look at me! I support our veterans"..."I'm not a racist"...."I'm compassionate." -all presented like properties on a Monopoly board...which I guess is how he perceives the world.

And, gee, I'm sure glad to see that we're going to be spending more money on weapons of mass destruction that will likely never be used...that will likely just sit in a stockpile somewhere and be another liability when they become obsolete and need to be disposed well-spent! We can never have too many stockpiled weapons, after all....even though we already have enough to destruct the world about 1000 times over.

Oh and let's not forget those Lakota people! Having been born and raised in the Dakotas, I can tell you, the Lakota people are already sitting on just about the worst pieces of land and environment as a human could ever hope to avoid. And now they get to have a nice big pipeline going through it.

Education shmeducation!

But don't worry, everyone. He is going to make SURE you all can get a job Wal-Mart or in the coal mines...or maybe even a worker on the Dakota Pipeline!!! If you're real lucky, then you might be able to get a job as a policeman in Chicago!! Don't you worry! There WILL be jobs for you, alright. Once the illegal aliens are all deported, lots of house-cleaning jobs are going to open up....lots of maid jobs...lots of yard maintenance jobs...lots of jobs at convenience stores....dishwashers....fry cooks...the American dream will return! Thanks, Trump!


Well-Known Member
I watched the speech. I guess I'm skeptical. It was well-rehearsed...unlike most of whatever other words have come out of his mouth....It was clear that he had been coached to tone it down...and he complied...HOWEVER...I was really appalled when he got to the obvious sympathy/propaganda segment -with the poor woman whose husband was killed...the camera kept getting closer....and closer to the woman's tearful face...The grief was obviously real, but she was there to be played by Trump & Co. as a chess piece. And then he had to have a racial reference with the black father whose son was killed and he referred to as his "good friend"...Come on, man! Really?...And then he also had to have an example of someone in a wheelchair. The points being: "Look at me! Look at me! I support our veterans"..."I'm not a racist"...."I'm compassionate." -all presented like properties on a Monopoly board...which I guess is how he perceives the world.

And, gee, I'm sure glad to see that we're going to be spending more money on weapons of mass destruction that will likely never be used...that will likely just sit in a stockpile somewhere and be another liability when they become obsolete and need to be disposed well-spent! We can never have too many stockpiled weapons, after all....even though we already have enough to destruct the world about 1000 times over.

Oh and let's not forget those Lakota people! Having been born and raised in the Dakotas, I can tell you, the Lakota people are already sitting on just about the worst pieces of land and environment as a human could ever hope to avoid. And now they get to have a nice big pipeline going through it.

Education shmeducation!

But don't worry, everyone. He is going to make SURE you all can get a job Wal-Mart or in the coal mines...or maybe even a worker on the Dakota Pipeline!!! If you're real lucky, then you might be able to get a job as a policeman in Chicago!! Don't you worry! There WILL be jobs for you, alright. Once the illegal aliens are all deported, lots of house-cleaning jobs are going to open up....lots of maid jobs...lots of yard maintenance jobs...lots of jobs at convenience stores....dishwashers....fry cooks...the American dream will return! Thanks, Trump!
"A" pipeline. As if it's the only one in this country. lol


Well-Known Member
He could fulfill every promise he made and the libtards would still hate him
Quite the opposite. We just know that he made a hyuge number of promises and they can't all be kept. If they can, I will wear a MAGA hat.

You see, people who pay attention to this sort of thing know that it is not the way Trump portrays it. We don't just sit there and cheer the President if he is saying things that are largely made up. We leave that to you - the FOX News "High-Information" voters.

Enjoy the feel-good headrush that was Trump's speech. Invite some of the boys over for a circle jerk. A year will pass and none of the things he said (except a fucking wall - which we will pay for) will have come true. But he will tell you it is and you won't know any better.

Blaze Master

Well-Known Member
I have an amusing story from today involving trump and a hyper active five year old.
I was at the doctors office waiting room and this little boy no older than 5 kept running around much to his mom's dismay.
Suddenly trump appeared on the tv. When this little boy saw this he immediately yelled Donald trump with such enthusiasm that everyone in the room could clearly hear. And then proceeded to say to everyone in the room "do you know why everyone wants to kill Donald trump?because he is an idiot!"
That was the hardest I have had to hold back laughter in a long time. Kids really do have the balls to say what everyone else is thinking. That experience really brightened my day.