The Troll Is Back!!

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
He neg repped me and signed it Luda#1,Ludas not even on that fucking thread.(I could care less over negative or positive reps,Im 50 years old way to old to play that rep shit..........Peace


Well-Known Member
Its not a neg rep, its a neutral rep, blue just means the member hasnt been around long enuf to hold any rep n therefore cant influence your rep one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
Awesome - now he has gone 2 all the effort of copying LUDACRIS' avatar n making his name IUDACRIS.. Get a life loser.


Well-Known Member
Well, try going about it a different way if u feel so strongly, ur just shitting people with wat ur doing.. Start ur own thread if u must, but don't flood other ppl's.


Well-Known Member
so i planted me 7 pear trees 6 peach trees and 6 apple trees yesterday, 2 gold delicious apples 2 fugi and 2 winesap good stuff elberta peaches bartlett pears good stuff

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Something got Luda banned on the 4th but they let him come back.I just want to see some pictures not all that cut and paist shit.I know he pm d fdd and got me an infraction,like I give a shit,I spend most of my pc time over on breedbay and the farm......Peace