The Perpetual Grow Show


Well-Known Member
So here is my Propogation Station
They will go from here to my flower cupboard and eventually a couple tents will be running too
I’m gonna be keeping just one bonsai mom as I only have two feet ov hight
But I will have the big moms ov the keepers I hope to find at a family’s along with a aero cloner
I will be taking clones normally too in the normal prop but I like the aero better just ent got room here I can fit this tent and my flower cupboard nice and stealth anythink else to much no wher for it
I’m gonna add a t5 fixture in center ov tent for bonsai mom and prop Monday I will do that
I’m soaking two stardog seeds from BSB genetics anythink I’ve grew in the past from them as been the real deal as soon as I seen the dog I jumped at it Thers two phenos that appear normal dog and purple dog I’m hopping for purple I have more seeds I just only soaked two ov them and I also got some free Bruce banners can’t wait see some baby’s
Soaked seeds in ph 6.2 just water that had stood a few days I also bubble my water too before I feed plants
So ther come out prop under the t5 then when they bigger ther go under the Brightwing and mother will be under a t5 too in center of tent if I do decide on a mom in here I’m in two minds
What ya think mom no mom
I’ve made room for 3 at a time under each light as il be flowering in 3 or twos so if twos I got a spare incase
0.7 litre pot to 3 litre pot to 11
My bonsai mom will be 0.7 to 1 1/2 litre


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Well-Known Member
Switched it up to its final layout still need to get another t5 as shop only had one left he reckons he have more tomoz and two trays for mom pots

so left side of tent is bonsai moms prop and early veg the right side is the main veg space before they flower at this point I will clone using jiffy pellets

Both stardog seeds sank and cracked so placed in jiffy’s at ph 6.2 and places in prop

and il get another two tubes for me bonsai moms should be plenty for jus the two



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Well-Known Member
Day 5 Bruce Banner bsb genetics
So added four 24 watt t5 3 for early veg baby’s ect 1 for the prop clones seeds
Left the Brightwing in here I will use it no need to yet
Prop/Seeds/Clones = 24 w t5 one tube
Early Veg/Hardening Off/Bonsai Moms ect = 72 w t5 three tubes
MainVeg/Prepare for flower /Prepare Moms For Cuts = 110 w two tube BrightWing I have a prop and some lemon balm here at min as space ent been used
Five inch extractor/Temp Controller
16 w Secrete Jardin fan
Seeds = Canna start 3 mil litre Nitryzyme 1 mil litre
This mix works well and gives em a boost my banner five days old got fed this way to days after it sprouted when the seedling tell me it needed food I started in canna seed mix they yellow quick if ya don’t keep soil well fertilised
Even me toms pepper shit anythink the soil real good I like it I can control plant growth a lot better with a non fertilised soil as oppose to a soil wher I don’t know what plants are getting and at what rates shit I love this canna range I been using for at least ten years now fucking brilliant once you get a rhythm
Heater on all time so prop stays steady 26 c at night it gets Upto 27.6 in day it’s maxed out at 28 on temp reader it’s been setup like this a week now and everything germing fast toms took two days the gilato x cookies by royalqueenseeds is up in less than 48 hrs so it’s all dialled in nicely now time to grow some bud I will setup flower space today I think I’m gonna be using a 250 or a 400 in a five inch or a six inch cooltube I have the five so might stick with that umm not sure
Il pot the gilato x cookies up later on or when it looks good to do so



Well-Known Member
Day 7 Bruce Banner Day 1 Gilato x Cookies
Potted up the banner to a 3 litre pot in pro plus soil ther was signs ov nute burn from first feed I messed up and added to strong nutes
now I add 2 mil start and 1 mil Zyme added rhizo today aswell at 1 mil a litre to ease transplant stress nute burn only minor but ugly non the less
The gilato x is doing fine and has been fed 2 mil start and 1 zyme

