The Impeachment Of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
you almost sounded like you were making sense...then you had to jump into the shit puddle with both feet...when it became apparent that you weren't talking about trump....
And claiming Republicans are falsely accused of being sexist. I don't even know how a person could come to this conclusion, let alone a woman...unless of course they suffer from head-up-ass syndrome. What else could possibly account for such a low level of self awareness.

Sexist and racist democrats with the ol slight of hand accusing republicans of being sexist and racist
Herp derp
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Yeah your gonna have to tone that down a bit. Congress voted on impeachment articles kind of like how a grand jury is selected to indict, but the actual impeachment is handled by the senate. The senate makes the rules for the senate as does the house make the rules for the house. Pelosi can hold the articles but than she will be held in contempt of congress. The same thing they are accusing trump.of doing.
no one has to tone anything the fuck down...we're going to get the motherfucker, if it takes till after 2020 when the incredibly stupid republican party cuts it's own throat, then it'll take till after 2020...but his ass is going to fry eventually...and the republicans have already fucked themselves over so hard, it's going to be glorious watching them lose any control and get pulled along in the aftertow of the democrats undoing everything they've done for the past 4 years. the first thing they should do is purge the military of this country of foul racist white supremacist, and ban every single one that they remove from ever owning anything larger than a bb gun

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Um no. It will be long over by that time. You got way to many ifs. It is the constitutional duty of the house to put forth the articles. They cannot decide when they get to put forth those articles. The house makes the rules for the house and the senate the senate. The house cannot hold the senate ransom until the senate plays by there rules. That would be contempt of congress and also borderline extortion.
what a motherfucking hypocrite you are...trump obstructs justice daily, orders subordinates not to cooperate, hides every single thing he can think of to hide, lie about everything he's ever done, and you have the fucking balls to suggest that the democrats are in contempt of anything? they ought to be in contempt of the republican party, and it's fucked up leaders


Well-Known Member
trump made one correct statement in that entire speech..."what is happening to me should never happen to another president"....i guess the best way to make that happen, is not not elect any more pathologically lying, racist, misogynist, isolationist, criminal, ammoral, immoral, unethical pieces of subhuman filth as president...
Comey should have just had Trump arrested before the election for illegally asking Russia for election help. That might end up being the needed lesson going forward.


Well-Known Member
no one has to tone anything the fuck down...we're going to get the motherfucker, if it takes till after 2020 when the incredibly stupid republican party cuts it's own throat, then it'll take till after 2020...but his ass is going to fry eventually...and the republicans have already fucked themselves over so hard, it's going to be glorious watching them lose any control and get pulled along in the aftertow of the democrats undoing everything they've done for the past 4 years. the first thing they should do is purge the military of this country of foul racist white supremacist, and ban every single one that they remove from ever owning anything larger than a bb gun
Now that Trump* has been impeached, we await the "civil unrest" Hannity and Trump have called for.
Its true. Just this morning I saw them prepping for mobilization.

Idiot superhero.gif


Well-Known Member
what a motherfucking hypocrite you are...trump obstructs justice daily, orders subordinates not to cooperate, hides every single thing he can think of to hide, lie about everything he's ever done, and you have the fucking balls to suggest that the democrats are in contempt of anything? they ought to be in contempt of the republican party, and it's fucked up leaders
Trumpers have no character, everyone of them on this forum is a real piece of shit, a racist, a liar and a traitor. There ain't much point in debating them, facts and reason will do no good, they make up all the trolls and sock puppets here these days. Since the heat's been turned up on the "dear leader", they and their socks have crawled out of the woodwork like cockroaches, fear of loss has overtaken what little shame they have. Asking for Russian help and getting Russian money are OK with them, as are lying and cheating to win, they are at war with you and it's a total, winner take all war. America has a choice, fascism or democracy, good or evil, the choice is clear and very stark. If the republicans lose it will be the end of them as a national party and prison for many, if they win it will mean fascism and eventually genocide. If America's biggest problem is "the brown people", then a final solution would be to get rid of the problem, ya don't need to worry about public opinion when you control the flow of information and don't have meaningful elections.

You're dealing with a piece of shit here Roger, a traitor and an enemy of decent people everywhere. Dishonest with themselves and others.


Well-Known Member
Time for some more public witnesses in the ongoing investigations, I wonder what Lev and Bolton will have to say. Donald will be freaking out and rage tweeting, he's freaking for a reason, he doesn't trust Mitch. Mitch's statements about an unfair trial are out of character, he's smarter than that, I figure it will be a secret ballot and those republicans senators who a running in 2020 will of course vote not guilty and want it to be known.

I think the democrats and others in the government won't be idle during the holiday break, they will have something special lined up before they pass the articles of impeachment to the senate. Mitch knows what is gonna come out over the spring and summer and a not guilty verdict by the GOP senate will make holding his majority very difficult.
With Recess, 'Two Weeks Of Impeachment Purgatory' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
After an eventful month, the House and Senate have gone home for holiday recess until the new year. NBC News' Garret Haake sizes up where the impeachment fight stands after the House charged the president with high crimes and misdemeanors. Aired on 12/20/19.


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