Subcool soil making a half batch


Well-Known Member
I can only get 4 bags of Roots Organic. I was going to use it to make some super soil and wanted your guys opinion on my mix ratio..

4- 1.5 cubic of Roots Organic
25lbs of EWC
2.5lbs of Blood meal 12-0-0
2.5lbs of Bat guano 0-5-0
2.5lbs of fish bone meal 3-18-0
1/2 cup Dolomite
1/4 cup of Azomite
1Tbs powder Humic Acid

I am not sure how much Epsom salt to add and also I have some Green sand to add but not sure if needed and how much to use




Well-Known Member
I have only one hydro store in town and he is not ordering any more until spring. I tried to get more. Also I would not have enough room for all of it. I have a very small grow..
4-5 plants



Well-Known Member
When I make a small batch, i use 1/8 cup epsom salt for 2-3 cf of soil, so you will want to use around a 1/4 cup for 6 cf.


Well-Known Member
keep in mind you need base soil only to plant seedlings / clones. So you'll have to set some plain soil aside


Well-Known Member
Yes I have a bag of BioBuzz all purpose to use for that. Thank you for the replies. I am still wondering about the green sand if I should add some or not and how much.
