Spider mites duiring flowering cycle


Active Member
Insecticidal soap is a particularly nasty way to get rid of em....it liquifies their insides....nice.
Zoobag ~~~^..^~~~

Mr. Skunk

Well-Known Member
Let's say your plants are 4 weeks into flowering, and they are being affected by spider mites. How do you get rid of them without damaging the buds?
Find an insect spray that is suitable for indoor vegetables with Pyrethrin as the active ingredient. Flood the room for about 5 minutes with the spray and you will be in good shape.


Well-Known Member
no matter what any label says, dont spray shit the last 10 days AT LEAST... i wouldnt even spray shit the last 2 weeks cuz the labels are fuckin liars!

if i were you i would take buds advice, id go to the hydro place, find the strongest commercial bomb i can.. (best i have found is 4 percent!!) and buy two of em... i would bomb, then treat with tobacco tea every 2 or 3 days for a week, then bomb again and let em go.. dont bother with insectisidal soaps n shit, they are for prolonged treatments and weak sprays too. you need something that will hit em hard, hit em fast, and kill em dead...

once you get your harvest done then you can clean shop and treat your mothers n babies with the pansy sprays n stuff to be a lil easier on em but right now you need to get em good before they take over and kill your shit


Well-Known Member
I have been in Pest control since 1992, and there is NO WAY I'd spray any pyrethrin, pyrethoid, or any other "PYRE" within 2 weeks "14 days" of harvest. IMO it doesn't give the chemical enough time to break down into harmless by-products. Yes they are among the quickest to breakdown, but I've seen it kill @ 3 weeks........Ant if the label say's "No Residue" thats BS..... Anytime you spray any chemicals it leaves a residue.....


I'm about 2 weeks away from flowering.. bout to dose up the plant with bout 50+ ladybugs to see what damage it does.. I recently tried ladybug warfare on thrips and it didnt do much.. going to have to use the spray I bought as well. I do not want to use this for the female flowering.. but if ladybugs don't do justice, I will unfortunately have to do what ever I can with removal (removing fan leafs, going thru and removing webs, etc) and spray down with bayer. maybe neem oil as well.. but I will let hopefully post the outcome.. IM BUMMED :?


Well-Known Member
You are 4 weeks in, you can use:
Pyrethrum bombs (read the directions)
Spray Neem Oil
Some people even use a steaming wand (like the kind they use to make curtains straight) and you "boil" the mites to death, but be careful not to damage your buds by keeping the steamer in one place for too long. Good luck.


Does anyone have a good idea or method on removing as much web and dead spider mites as posisble? It seems this is a lose lose situation..the bugs are already there, they have made there homes, they will die in there homes.. basically smoking dead bugs unless you can blast them all off once there dead.. EPIC FAIL, spider mites are fucking lame.
ive heard about people using "hot shots" no-pest strips and having real good result for both crawling and flying insects?? im in the same boat right now, week 4 and saw the little fuckers!!
