Seed growing?


Well-Known Member
So you saying it hermied? Honestly I wouldn't be surprised. It topped itself twice on 2 branches. Lol she's a beast so if she is throws a few seeds we will see what we get. I have tagged the branch. Gonna give A few more days and see if I find more.


Well-Known Member
If it has seeds and no outside pollen/males introduced. Drawing the conclusion that makes sense in that it likely spit a banana hidden in a calyx at some point (weeks ago now)


Well-Known Member
all of these plants will spit bananas in the right conditions at some point, but if you're asking if that seed will be any good only you will know by popping it and finding out. Plants from seeds created from self pollination have been grown before without showing any negative traits, and just as many females from fems and regular seeds have been found to self pollinate, so I think it's just a matter of finding what you will be willing to put up with vs how great of a plant might be tradeoff. I'm willing to hang onto sensitive plants if they are killer