second try after failed 250hps/1t5/1t8 bagseed grow


Active Member
Sup people I've got 4 girls pushin one def sativa and 3 indicas if anyone could figure out the strains from the pics. I'd appreciate it, I've just created a few based on growth and characteristics, but if these are buds from an established strain and I'm just not in the loop help me lol. Keep getting high and getting bye its ruff out there.
Here's the one I really would love to be identified


Attack of the clones thread coming soon.....


Active Member
All gone Harvested early for security reasons L.g. all Fluff Indicas some bud. Real let down. I had written a long detailed explanation but this computer bullshited on loading the page so it was all lost. Got three clones that I'm flowering on Fri.


Active Member
Thanks everyone who threads I interuppted to gain knowledge and thanks subcool for making this online experince even cooler by replying to me. If these responses are lacking the usual sam its because I feel defeated even my comp at home is fucked up. Peace guys keep getting high and getting bye its ruff out there.