School Bans American Flag on Cinco de Mayo


Well-Known Member
you wouldn't get it!!! in case you forgot we live in the USA, why dont you remove the problem kids instead of denying the whole school basic rights....Can the Mexican students not prominently display a Mexican flag on the 4th of July? the fact that you bucky don't think this is a big deal just shows who you really are, i would love to know how many problems with "white gangs" they are having at that school????? go ahead call me a racist because im not being politically correct!!! you are the best at that
you'd have to say something racist first. i've only seen the opposite from you.

do kids even go to school on july 4th in san jose?


Well-Known Member
You're fucking funny, sistah. I already pointed out Londonfog's "quote" was bullshit. But hey, thinking I'm a bigot is better than you being a moron like yourself.
Apparently I phrased that badly. Or maybe your "reading compensation" failed. I actually said that you thinking I'm an asshole is better than being a bigot. Meaning you aren't a bigot; you just don't like me.


Well-Known Member
you wouldn't get it!!! in case you forgot we live in the USA, why dont you remove the problem kids instead of denying the whole school basic rights....Can the Mexican students not prominently display a Mexican flag on the 4th of July? the fact that you bucky don't think this is a big deal just shows who you really are, i would love to know how many problems with "white gangs" they are having at that school????? go ahead call me a racist because im not being politically correct!!! you are the best at that
Removing kids after they assault someone doesn't keep the kid from being assaulted. The whole point of the school's actions was a preventative measure. Why don't we acknowledge it for what it is: Schools trying to defuse a situation before it becomes dangerous for an innocent child. It is not a parents job to make political statements vicariously.


Well-Known Member
He is bigoted against anyone non-vegetarian. But I don't know about anything aside from that.
you must have missed the conniption he had when obama won and half the stuff he says and then tries to play off as "just trolling" or, as in your case, "i don't like you".

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
you must have missed the conniption he had when obama won and half the stuff he says and then tries to play off as "just trolling" or, as in your case, "i don't like you".
I don't like you either.

In the two years since the election, I've calmed my mind. People like you don't even bother me anymore. Why should I care if you're an idiot? In the end, you're still a creep.


Well-Known Member
I'm supposed to be cool with the fact those like you murder my friends?
Seriously though, I don't really hold your dietary and lifestyle choices against you. It's your generally self-righteous attitude about it while ignoring the fact that eating animals is perfectly natural for humans.


Well-Known Member
I don't recall killing any animals you know personally.
at around 9:30 this morning, we heard the chickens and ducks going crazy in the backyard. went out to check on things and our smallest bantam hen was gone, likely got swooped by a hawk since the raccoons and cats in the area are spoiled on readily available cat food everywhere.

i wonder if canna is willing to come sit in my backyard and make sure it doesn't happen again. ya know, for his friends.


Well-Known Member
No, seriously.
I wrote "I would proudly display the Mexican flan on this day,
after wiping my as with it."
or something to that effect.
wow, you're slow.

right now the site is showing any deleted posts in any number of ways. it has been like that for days.

maybe you just posted it by accident on the nambla forum you have up in the other window.


Well-Known Member
at around 9:30 this morning, we heard the chickens and ducks going crazy in the backyard. went out to check on things and our smallest bantam hen was gone, likely got swooped by a hawk since the raccoons and cats in the area are spoiled on readily available cat food everywhere.

i wonder if canna is willing to come sit in my backyard and make sure it doesn't happen again. ya know, for his friends.
People are the only evil ones that eat meat. Any other animal is cool when it acts upon it's nature.