Russian Missile Dropped Outside CA

Richard Simmons

Well-Known Member
International waters have been bombed as a test run, there are pictures to prove that the jets flying in international territory have been not just flying but dropping shit into the water.

Richard Simmons

Well-Known Member
woah dude, sorry the images are over 8mb per file im trying to condense. Get yourself a fuckin donut and a 6 pack and go to town.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
International waters have been bombed as a test run, there are pictures to prove that the jets flying in international territory have been not just flying but dropping shit into the water.
wait. you are asserting that russian jets flew all the way to the coast of california to DROP some MISSILES in the OCEAN???


"Authorities say two F-22 fighter jets were scrambled after a pair of Russian bombers were spotted 50 miles off the coast of California earlier this week, Reuters reported, citing a NORAD spokesperson.

Major Beth Smith, of North American Aerospace Defense Command, said that the long-range Russian bombers never officially entered U.S. airspace when two NORAD fighter jets made visual contact with them.

The incident occurred about five hours after four Russian bombers and a refueling tanker were seen entering the so-called Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), airspace that extends about 200 miles from the U.S. coast. The Russian aircraft left the ADIZ after being identified by two fighters from the Alaskan NORAD region, Smith said.

Smith said the Russian planes' flight appeared to be part of a routine training mission, which Russian aircraft have carried out dozens of times in recent years in the ADIZ."~

nothing about missiles being dropped.

they were probably just taking Vladimir Putin to the channel islands

Putin just wanted to play with his pets

Richard Simmons

Well-Known Member
Those aren't chemtrails bro, those are contrails. The difference is one is a conspiracy while the other is exactly what the conspiracy is.