ron paul libertarian hypocrite

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
So the god of the current cult of ayn rand(libertarians), decided to run to the UN, whom he clearly despises, asking for them to give him the "" domain name from his own supporters by way of confiscation. Fuck the free market he's always championed, gimme gimme. When he asked them(site owners) for the domain name their response was "250,000" and its a deal"(paraphrasing). He didn't like that, not one bit. Fuck exchange, get the government involved. I hope you paulinites can keep jerking off to photoshops of ayn ran dand rand paul after you burn your "i posed withron paul" cutout photographs.


Well-Known Member
Rawn Pawl is a republican, not a libertarian.

Emma Goldman was a libertarian.

I agree though, the leader of the feudalism cult is a hypocrite.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
This couldn't have gone into the other, "Ron Paul is a fascist/vanguard/turtle fucker," thread?

Talk about butthurt.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul's name is trademarked, guess who owns the trademark? If the registration of the name hadn't been done in Australia there would be no need for UN involvement. RP doesn't make the rules.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul's name is trademarked, guess who owns the trademark? If the registration of the name hadn't been done in Australia there would be no need for UN involvement. RP doesn't make the rules.
Or he couldve went the good old "free market" route.

Fuck for all you know my name could be Ron Paul...should I cry to the UN for ownership of something that isn't really mine?