Question on topping


New Member
I have clones, from a flowering plant, so it has staggered fan leafs. From what I understand about topping to get 4 colas... I would pretty much count from bottom-upwards 4 fan leafs and cut above that fourth leaf, right before the third SET of leafs? This leaves me with 4 fan leafs and 4 visible new growth spots. Is this correct? I read something about the bottom set of leafs not being the "true first" and will not put out colas, but if I'm not mistaken, this is if you are growing from seed.


Well-Known Member

its easy. After the clone/plant has developed good roots and has 3 nodes just cut right above the previously formed nodes where branches are starting to form.

Think of it like this. When the plant grows naturally it grows straight up with side branches coming out the main stalk right. Well when you top your basically just cutting the stalk above two side branches, only those branches haven't grown out yet. Hopefully this makes sense


New Member
I get the general idea of where to cut, just not sure above the 4th fan leaf, or the 6th i guess... it would be either node 2 or 3? I think i want right above node 2 which leaves me 4 new growth spots?

Feel like I am probably just making this more complicated lol.

I am going for the 4 cola outcome FYI..

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
Uncle Bens Topping Technique is a very good source of information, also the comments too, you'll find alot of questions already answered for you