Punk's T5 TGA Chernobyl and Ace of Spades, also featuring Woody Haze


Well-Known Member
I had a bungee cord but misplaced it awhile back. Lol. Then found out The box keeps the light out when I have the side vent open so just never put it back up


Well-Known Member
So I've been 2 days behind on Chernobyl, yesterday was 56days not 54. After checking trichs last night and about 90%cloudy 5% clear and a few amber on lowers. So I clipped a test nug....she'll go to a least 60 days


Well-Known Member
So gonna build a little tent for the ace of spades male... 20121103_000028.jpg. He's then gonna knock up wood haze 20121102_235840.jpg. Hopefully I can find a way to keep some clones going to( she's old and wore out) eventually find a decent male to get a little bx action going on. 20121103_000238.jpg