Problems with leafs, purple discoloration. Very nice pics inside. help!


Well-Known Member
These are dj short blueberry clones. They were transplant into rocwool cubes about 2 weeks ago. They are rooted and are showing constant signs of new growth, yet there is a obvious issue bothering them. Most of the pictures will show purplish discoloration and almost signs of the plants eating themselves to get whatever nutrient they may be lacking. Ive seen many different issues just cant nail this on the head, thinking Phosphorus, Please help!!! Thanks!!!

Info: The ph is at 5.8 and ec is at 1.0 for last water, was at .08 before



Well-Known Member
They had spider mites when they were younger but I guarantee those white spots are not bugs, anyone else!! I have treated them with neem oil and azatrol


Well-Known Member
That looks like Molybdenum deficiency to me. This is taken from The Complete Guide To Sick Plants:

"Molybdenum (Mo)

Molybdenum has proteins that help the plant take nitrogen from the air.

A Molybdenum deficiency causes leaves to have a pale, fringed and scorched look, along with weird or retarded leaf growth. Yellowing of middle leaves can occur as well as twisted younger leaves which will eventually die. Molybdenum deficiencies frequently resemble a nitrogen deficiency. A Molybdenum deficiency shows older chlorotic leaves with rolled margins and stunted growth. Looks like a nitrogen deficiency but with the red tips moving inwards to the middle of the leaves. Molybendum deficiency will usually show up in the older to middle aged leaves, then it moves to the young leaves. Generally a molybdenum deficiency occurs when sulfur and phosphorus are deficient.

Molybdenum toxicity doesn’t cause to many problems, but may cause problems when the human ingests it. Excessive molybdenum in cannabis will look like iron or copper deficiency. Parts affected are by the molybdenum deficiency are: Older leaves."

The pictures there show the red-fringed leaf edges like yours look too. Is there Mo in any of the ferts in your feeding regimen? Or perhaps as it says sulfur and phosphorous are deficient?


Well-Known Member
would agree on the Mo deficiency on this one. also, are you promoting stretch on purpose? they seem a bit, i dunno spindly. could just be me, but seems like the light could be a bit brighter/closer?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. I have not heard of that specific deficiency before but I was kind of thinking Phosphorus. I use Ionic grow nutrient and can get specs if you need. What would be a way to fix this?

Also KlosetKing, The temps arnt to bad. I could lower the light a bit but its a 1k w MH so it gets pretty hot, I think its like 20-30 inches away now.

Let me know what you guys think and I can take more pics if needed, thanks!


Well-Known Member
alot of those pictures resemble a phosphorus deficiancy, not quite sure on the reddy purple colours on the leaves tho, if i were you i would do sum reaserch on molybenum defiancy and try and find sum pics to compare to


Well-Known Member
I'm going to say ph problems mixed with mag/cal deficiency. I also think that the roots are bound up and need time to recovery. So foliar feed them with maxi crop or something comparable. Add espom salt to the mix and some green light calcium for tomato's. Maybe wrong just my opinion. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies. I have not heard of that specific deficiency before but I was kind of thinking Phosphorus. I use Ionic grow nutrient and can get specs if you need. What would be a way to fix this?
I have never grown in hydro so I'm not positive on how to fix this deficiency, but if your pH levels are correct the plant should be absorbing it if it were there to absorb. I would think you need to feed some Molybdenum, which means you need to see if your nutes have Mo in them. If not, I guess you'll need to go buy something that has Mo. The Guide to Sick Plants also says Mo deficiency can happen when Sulfur and Phosphorous are deficient, so maybe you should feed some of those as well.


Well-Known Member
It's def a Moly deff bro. That pinkish purple is dead on sign of it. Had it happen before. Can't recall what I used to fix it...I think my pH was way out of whack. So it was a simple fix in my case.

I know a lot of people are all about the DJ Short Blueberry... as you know I just grew one of these out. She gave me hell, just like every article on Blueberry I have ever read said she would. She's a bitch dude, be prepared to chase one def after another...or accidentally over feeding her. Picky lil bitch...she didn't produce that much for me either. Not that impressed with the growing side of the strain. Just hope she smokes better than she grows.

I know it would do better if I could find the groove she wants, but from what I can tell thats a fine line that is hard to hit..and stay on track with.

You got a link to this new Dj Short BB grow man? I'd love to follow along and see if you get the same BS I went through (hope not).


Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone. Thanks for alllllllllllllllllll the replies I really appreciate it. I have just been flushing them for like last 4 days. They starting showing signs 2 days in that it was relieving them. I was continue to study new growth and see if its fixing the issue (Think I may have been over nuting) I really feel what you are saying statik with these plants being picky to grow. Most every other strain ive used has gone well with my usual nute regime.

Does anyone know of a supplement for a Moly def. though just in case this flush doesn't fix it.

I also recalibrated my ph meter and it was slightly off, but I don't think enough to cause all this.

I do not have a journal going on them yet as there is still alot I have planned, will be starting another room, throwing most in flower and probably going to keep one mother and I have some ak on the way.


Well-Known Member
1134moly-deficiency1.jpg 1134moly.jpg

Molybdenum has proteins that help the plant take nitrogen from the air.

A Molybdenum deficiency causes leaves to have a pale, fringed and scorched look, along with weird or retarded leaf growth. Yellowing of middle leaves can occur as well as twisted younger leaves which will eventually die. Molybdenum deficiencies frequently resemble a nitrogen deficiency. A Molybdenum deficiency shows older chlorotic leaves with rolled margins and stunted growth. Looks like a nitrogen deficiency but with the red tips moving inwards to the middle of the leaves. Molybendum deficiency will usually show up in the older to middle aged leaves, then it moves to the young leaves. Generally a molybdenum deficiency occurs when sulfur and phosphorus are deficient.

Molybdenum toxicity doesn’t cause to many problems, but may cause problems when the human ingests it. Excessive molybdenum in cannabis will look like iron or copper deficiency. Parts affected are by the molybdenum deficiency are: Older leaves.

Problems with Molybdenum being Locked out by Ph Troubles

Soil ph that are under 5.5


Molybdenum gets locked out of soil growing at ph levels of 2.0-6.5
Molybdenum is absorbed best in soil at a ph level of 7.0-9.5 (Wouldn’t recommend having a soil ph of over 7.0 in soil) anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Molybdenum deficiency.

Hydro and Soil less Mediums

Molybdenum gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 2.0-5.5
Molybdenum is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 6.0-8.0 (Wouldn’t recommend having a ph over 6.5 in hydro and soil less mediums.) Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a Molybdenum deficiency.

Solution to fixing a Molybdenum deficiency
One way to fix a Molybdenum deficiency is to foliar spray with Molybdenum, like Miracle Grow All Purpose plant food and Miracle Grow: Tomato Plant Food. These can also be used to mix in with water as well. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients, or it will cause nutrient burn!)Other nutrients that have Molybdenum in them are: I think Peters All Purpose Plant food does, as well as Greensand, Lime. Green sand and lime is slow/medium absorption, while Peters All Purpose Plant Food is fast absorption.
Sounds like Peters might be a good choice. It did look like you had some Phos def's as well (wasn't sure, could just be progressed Moly def) I'd look into that possibly being the culprit. I personally will not be flowering the Blue Berry again (although I kept her mother) for quite some time. She just didn't put out enough for me to make it seem worth my time. The Blue Cheese I grew right next to her though was a lil less bitchy, and soooo much nicer in way of smell, trich production, and over all weight production.

IMHO, the Blue Cheese is the keeper if I had to pick between the two.


Well-Known Member
I have only grown in soil but I've used a few different fertilizer lines and the "micronutrient" bottle of each line of ferts all had Moly in them. I'm not sure if there is a "micronute" formula for use with hydro grows, but I would bet there is and I bet it has Moly in it. Or if you get your nutes from a hydro/grow store you could just ask them what you should use to fix a Moly deficiency. Just look at the bottle and make sure it is in the list, my Earth Juice micronute formulat has Magnesium, Boron, Cobalt, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, & Molybdenum.

The General Hydroponics 'FloraMicro' formula that i used to use also has Moly in it, and that one is a hydro fert.


Well-Known Member
Im going to go to the hydro store later today to see what products they have to fix this issue.


Well-Known Member
I'm not 100% sure because I dont have my grow @ my house, so my nutes are obviously with the plants. But I think Cutting Edge's Micro has Moly in it as well. Don't quote me on that though. Like I said, I don't have the bottle with me.


Well-Known Member
I got flora micro with Moly in it and have tried a lighter dose, and a heavier dose, nothing seems to be working, ph and everything is right on. I have nooooooo clue what the problem. I have still yet to see any roots in the bottom of the cubes, could they possibly be root bound? They were clones originally in jiffy cubes and then I transplanted into the rocwool. But there were plenty of roots poking out on each clone. I have no idea, thoughts, possibilities?