Pro Mix to outdoor vegetable garden...

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Ok, so I have a question that im sure some people out there might be able to help me on... So if you're growing soil less or soil you end up with shitloads of extra substrate. You can throw it out OR you can build a faised garden bed in the backyard. I have gotten some 15 gallon pots in the past for growing veggies,, tomatoes, chillis, shit like that.

My question is this, what do you guys do to your promix, obviously not soil, but your promix or sunshine or whatever soilless medium you use, what do you do to it befor planting in it?

I have been ammending mine with all sorts of stuff like worm castings, bonemeal, dolomite lime, alfalfa meal, guano, etc so as to be able to grow more organically.

Anyways, just curious what others do...


Active Member
I mix it half and half with the sandy soil from my yard - which has a bunch of the stuff you mentioned(but it has been there for over 6+ months :P). Adding all the other organics you mentioned(worms, meal, etc) will make it a pretty hot soil. Promix contains mychorrizhae - they need time to breakdown those organic nutrients. That is why you're supposed to bake your super soil in the sun for like 45 days.
Last January, I mixed a 60lb bag of promix into my garden along with some of the stuff you mentioned - Now I mix that stuff with the new bag of promix(since now, there isn't anything growing in said plot).
Hope that helps. Kind of ranty and locomotion of thought.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
I mix it half and half with the sandy soil from my yard - which has a bunch of the stuff you mentioned(but it has been there for over 6+ months :P). Adding all the other organics you mentioned(worms, meal, etc) will make it a pretty hot soil. Promix contains mychorrizhae - they need time to breakdown those organic nutrients. That is why you're supposed to bake your super soil in the sun for like 45 days.
Last January, I mixed a 60lb bag of promix into my garden along with some of the stuff you mentioned - Now I mix that stuff with the new bag of promix(since now, there isn't anything growing in said plot).
Hope that helps. Kind of ranty and locomotion of thought.

I won de r if watering the mix down with a bacterial teaight help break it down faster....


Active Member
You're supposed to bake it in a garbage can. You water it once, then in like two weeks you dump it out and stir it. There are no holes in the garbage can, so the water stays in there and bakes the mychorrizae into action. Wait another six weeks and it is ready to go. Super hot organic super soil.

Well-Known Member
sorry this thread is pretty dead but...funny you guys should mention...

i actually got 3 bales of promix i think bx? the orange one...and used them for my modular garden. funny thing is, i got them a couple months ago and tried to use them but nothing lived; it was cold and not sunny...anyways i lidded them and they have been baking outside for about a month as I moved and now have more room. I started some seeds a week and a half or so ago and planted in them, and everything seems to be growing pretty well! there are 9 68L totes (the $5 ones from walmart, 18 gallons) I drilled a ton of holes in the bottom of them and a few inches of gravel in the bottom for drainage. i have snow peas, tomatoes, basil, peppers, dill, mint, zucchini, cucumber. the tomatoes and basil are seedlings. they are ALL outside now...i have been feeding a small dose of foxfarm grow big assuming there was NO nutrients...any input on this?


Well-Known Member
cold and not sunny

baking buit up the microbes there is always food for them:)

yes they will need nutrient at least once a week.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
If I was using soiless mix I and after its been used I would turn around and brake it down to a very fine mix and mix it with soil and use it in the garden or w/e.


Well-Known Member
I have 600 sqf in raaised beds. I dont know what percentage of it is remains from my indoor grows, but it is significant. I've been filling these beds for 10 years now.

When I bring my used PM out, I add some more perlite, about equal black dirt, pulverised lime, and compost. 1/4 to 1/3 the mix will be compost. Then it goes in the beds where I wont have to feed most plants again for the season.

Next year, I just add compost until it makes up for compaction, mix it in the top 6" with my electric stirrer and off I go.


Well-Known Member
How about instead of adding it directly to your pots makes some compost & throw worm castings and lime ...ect, then make compost tea and water your soil less plants?