pre-flowers and vegging


Well-Known Member
So, this might seem like a bit of a noob question, but this is my first time growing from seed. Usually when I get my clones they already have little pistils already while vegging, I always just assumed that this was due to the mother plant.

So, my question is this, Now that i'm nearing the 8 week veg mark, my plants are throwing out little pre-flowers is this a sign that they are ready to flower? It's okay to keep vegging them still yes? or is it time to get them into the flowering tent?


Well-Known Member
Yes its ok to keep veggin them.. They're just showing that their sexually mature and ready to flower.
that's good to know, thank you so much. I mean i was only a couple of days away from flowering them anyway, but i didn't want to give them any undue stress. actually I was surprised by what I saw, wasn't expecting all of them to be female lol. but NOW I'm stoked.


Well-Known Member
Be careful, sometimes you'll have a female looking preflower that ends up a boy... if it's got a pistil it's for sure a female though (or at least a herm ;) )

Preflowers means they are definitely sexually mature, but if your plant doesn't have preflowers it doesn't mean it can't go into flower... some show preflowers early, some take forever to show.