Pollinated by a Hermie


Active Member
plant pollinated by hermie found one ripe mature seed in 3 plants so far harvesting torrow so prob find more
Are these seeds gonna be hermie's or have a high risk of being hermie ?
They were not self pollinated, is it even worth the time and effort to grow the out or just bin them ?
Any advice appreciatted thanks


Well-Known Member
ya they will be hermy or female, but ive smoked some frosty fire with awesome terpene aroma with a seed here or there in it. This is of course from being a hermy, since most growers have no hemp in their grow environment, the seeds are from being a herm.

hermies can apparently be awesome if not stressed

sometimes even "banana" free

im sure a real plant scientist here can help u with the specifics but hermie plants are almost 100% female, and dont necessarily sprout bananas

my buddy did a 49 plant, from seed, SOG, with no males, using hermy seeds.

u should keep the seeds, as they will be female or a hermy but most likey none of them are males.



Active Member
Thanks anonymuss thats good to hear was thinking of just putting down straight to floweer from seed to see what happens


Another question- Is there a difference in the quality of seed between the hermie pollinating itself and the hermie pollinating other feminized plants?


Active Member
Another question- Is there a difference in the quality of seed between the hermie pollinating itself and the hermie pollinating other feminized plants?
from what i understand is that a hermie pollinating itself the seeds would be very low quality and guranteed to be hermie..... i could be wrong i read it in several places tho


Active Member
alright.. so here is what ive found.. only my own experience.. a friend of mine grew some realllly good purps.. and of cource it self pollinated but only sprouted a couple bananas.. next thing u know i found a decent little patch of seeds.. and ended up using them,, so far.. only 1 of 55 seeds was hermi... and the rest female... no males yet so .. we will see