Please please help!


I'm in ocean forest with this plant,
Feeding FF lineup.
Second week flower
normal ph
1000 watt hps.

The bottom third of some of my plants have these weird bite looking marks.
I know for a fact I don't have mights!
Any ideas? I've been stressing out about it I'm ocd about my plants lol.


Well-Known Member
could be spider mites but you can't really see them. It could be from old damage and the bugs are already gone. If it is on just 1 leaf of all of them. I wouldn't worry too much but keep an eye on it. Could be deficient in something. The whole plant picture is also helpful too better answer your question.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Thirp damage to me. Can be controlled with common pesticides. Many out there for thirps.

Check this link out. Scroll down past the deficiencies and you will see Thirp damage, and how to treat it.


Active Member
I dont know what it is but if I were you I'd go cop some Neem Oil (pesticide) & rub it on the leaves, if you choose to do so make sure you rub the oil off after like 5 minutes, otherwise it will burn ur leaves.