Plants during flower need less water?


Well-Known Member
My sativa's been flowering for almost 3 weeks now. It's in a pretty small pot honestly. However my two indicas droop way before this thing ever droops. They're in bigger pots as well. I was just wondering if anyone knows, or noticed if flowering plants need less water?


Well-Known Member
I believe that is true , need lots of water in veg to become monsterous! The scientists over at canna seem to believe that also, if u watch some of their videos on youtube they mention that several times.:-o


Well-Known Member
I think they only need less, cause it's cooler that time of year. But I'm surer the plants actually USE more water in flower. Think about it, a budding plant has much more water weight than a vegging plant.


Active Member
^ More watering during vegative growth to support those leaves and vegative growth more light during flowering to support those buds the reason why your Sativa is requiring less water also is that Sativa genetics have a more complex root system that can take longer drought periods.


Well-Known Member
I find that sativas are just a bit trickier to grow and I don't end up with the big massive roots on a sativa I see on my they use less water and less nutes...I don't know if I have grown them wrong resulting in undersized roots, but my sativa dom strains are never as largely rooted as my indicas...
so yes, sativas use less water and food than indicas usually.


Well-Known Member
It is also good to let the plants get really dry especially in flower between waterings...I read that THC is used by the plant to protect itself during a I pretty much make my girls get really really dry during flower...they might be a little stickier, but they don't mind at leave them be as long as you can without having to water or anything and the plants will thank you...they like dry periods.


Well-Known Member
last year I only watered once a week for the last 3 weeks or so and they came out fine. I actually tried to water stress them but it just didnt happen.


Well-Known Member
It is also good to let the plants get really dry especially in flower between waterings...I read that THC is used by the plant to protect itself during a I pretty much make my girls get really really dry during flower...they might be a little stickier, but they don't mind at leave them be as long as you can without having to water or anything and the plants will thank you...they like dry periods.
Yeah, I won't water it 4 or 5 days before harvest for this reason. It will ultimately dry and cure faster too.


Active Member
^ Forgot to mention that the reason why Sativa are adapted to longer drought periods is because of the parts of the world they originate from. :cool: