Plant yellowing slowly from the bottom up...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is what I have going for my first grow, I have two plants (bag seed) each are in in 8" pots with MG organic the plants are about 14 inches tall and in an armoire wardrobe lined with foil, I have two 2' flourescent fixtures for a total of 4 grow bulbs and a 150W HPS about 8 inches from the top of the plant, temps fluctuate between 80 and 88F (I know it's hot but I cant do anything about it now).I purchased MG soil that had root aphid eggs in it and when I finally noticed them about 2 weeks into my grow I had a full blown infestation of these little bastards, and it took me about 2 more weeks to kill them off with pyrethrins and neem, once I got rid of them I decided to go into 12/12 to keep the lights off for the hottest part of the dayabout 2 weeks into flowering I started using schultz african violet flowering food for nutes.. and recently I found that I have a bad infestation of fungus gnats and I just put some diatomatious earth on the soil to take care of them, (thats the plan at least) ok I think thats it as far as my setup. But this is the problem I have been having slowly but surely the leaves have been losing color and turning yellow. I think that its because I over watered them so I havent watered them in about 4 days now and they just seem to be getting worse. let me know what you guys think I should do to fix this bad luck grow...


New Member
Hey guys, this is what I have going for my first grow, I have two plants (bag seed) each are in in 8" pots with MG organic the plants are about 14 inches tall and in an armoire wardrobe lined with foil, I have two 2' flourescent fixtures for a total of 4 grow bulbs and a 150W HPS about 8 inches from the top of the plant, temps fluctuate between 80 and 88F (I know it's hot but I cant do anything about it now).I purchased MG soil that had root aphid eggs in it and when I finally noticed them about 2 weeks into my grow I had a full blown infestation of these little bastards, and it took me about 2 more weeks to kill them off with pyrethrins and neem, once I got rid of them I decided to go into 12/12 to keep the lights off for the hottest part of the dayabout 2 weeks into flowering I started using schultz african violet flowering food for nutes.. and recently I found that I have a bad infestation of fungus gnats and I just put some diatomatious earth on the soil to take care of them, (thats the plan at least) ok I think thats it as far as my setup. But this is the problem I have been having slowly but surely the leaves have been losing color and turning yellow. I think that its because I over watered them so I havent watered them in about 4 days now and they just seem to be getting worse. let me know what you guys think I should do to fix this bad luck grow...
Thanks!bongsmilieView attachment 1031023View attachment 1031020View attachment 1031021View attachment 1031022View attachment 1031024View attachment 1031025
what is the npk's of you nutes?


Well-Known Member
8-14-9... yeah, I'm going to start giving them more nutes, it's just getting worse and worse and I havent watered in a long time so that can't be it... we shall see if I can save them from a slow death...


i'm no pro, but the MG soil seems to have a bad reputation around here
something about how the more you water, the nutes are released
probably doesnt have all the macro and micro nutes anyway
if you can get some good potting soil and some composted soil, transplant it and get some better nutrients/organic plant food


Well-Known Member
I don't think so, I didn't water for like 7 days and it still go worse... I am sure now that it's from me putting too many nutes in the soil I flushed and tried some super thrive to see if I can save these ladys from a tragic fate.