pH Problem!


Well-Known Member
Hello fellas!

So yesterday, 5 days after second feeding, I checked my run-off pH and found out that it had went up to 8! :shock: I became surprised by that, so flushed the medium with plain water at pH 5.5 until the run-off went down to 6.5. Today I noticed some yellow or brown spottings on middle and lower leaves and many of them are becoming twisted to left and right, maybe because of the sudden drop in pH level and fluctuations. Now my question is: should this problem stop or can spread to the whole plant? Is there anything more I can do? I was thinking about lowering my pH to 6 next time watering. I'm growing in coco/perlite mix (50/50) and always adjust my water pH @ 6-6.4. Could this increase in my pH be due to CalMag?

Any help and answer will be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
There is no way I have been able to get a legitimate run off ph and I use coco and perlite 80/20. I don't even attempt it anymore. How long have you grown in coco? The reason I asked earlier if you have success at 6-6.4ph is because that seems a little high for coco. 5.7-5.9 is the typical range. I think you might have a lockout issue. Water to runoff with a ph of 5.8 and add your calmag to whatever you are running for nutes and you should be good to go.


Well-Known Member
My advice is to get as far away from coco as possible for your first grow and go to soil.
If you can transplant it do it asap, learning to grow is difficult enough in soil much less the complications with ph and deficiencies that coco creates. My suggestion is 2 grows in soil then start more advanced mediums.
Let me guess the guy at the hydro shop recommended coco?