people who have tried dmt only


Active Member
ive tried dmt a little bit ago, and it was crazy obviously, but my trip was terrifying and scary, very uncomfortable people have told me there trips were heaven, i want that experience, but i didnt get it, i think there is a few reasons why, and if anybody with experience with dmt could tell me if its was just my body chemistry, or the seiries of events i will get to,there are a few things that could of made it go wrong, so can someone tell me if it was the environment i was in, or the dmt i smoked, or what, please tell me what you think, first, the dmt we smoked was peach color, i was told the oils give it a dirty smoke and a dirty trip, compared to white collor dmt. second, i did .1 of a gram, in a two foot perc bong, i toasted the whole thing and held it in for 7 or 10 seconds, i tripped at 12 :20 am, next is after i blasted off, my friend told me i was drooling on myself, so he tried to walk me from the chair to the couch, (the drool was from smoking the bong, i tend to do that, and in my disillusion i didnt have a chance to do anything with my Saliva.) so as soon as hi gets me out of the chair, i fall on the ground, he said it looked like i was having a seizure kind of, but no violent twitches or movement, bjust slower flails and and moving my head around, he also said a little after time passed i was trying to crawl and he said i was sort of banging my head against the wall, so when i came to my dad was staring at me like what did you do?, he said he heard me making noise. after i came to and got up, it hit me like a truck again, and my reality was changed again, thats all that happened in real life and now for what i saw, after i blow out the hit, my friend said i said, "i dont like this" i didnt remember this, and objects started to morph, then i blasted off, i was completely unaware of what was happening around me, i forgot all about that moment and my life, i was just trying to comprehend what was happening, it felt like i was mentally dying and my soul was being pulled out of my body, i heard distorted voices saying your fucked, its time ti get vivid, and the words would echo and repeat them self's the whole time. i saw something that reminded me of star wars when they go threw hyperspace, except alot more colors. i dont know if what happens around me effects the trip but i wouldnt of known sense i was unaware of what was happening around me. the whole thing was scary when it happened because i didnt think it would end, it felt like an eternity. after i came to, i was able to talk stand and what not, but when i came out, they were looking at me kind of sketched ot and scared, like are you ok, i was still tripping when he was asking me questions on what i saw and him telling me what i did. i noticed time moved very slow , and then a few moments afetr i came to, i was like, give me a minute, the dmt hit me like a truck again, and there i was sitting in a living room with 3 strangers(actually my friend and my dad ) and i had again not clue what the reality we are in now is, the only ting i knew was my living room, outside that was a void of black, and my living room floating in it, everything was distorted agian, vision and hearing. at this point, it felt like the only reason i was there is to sit in a circle with people i thought i didnt know, saying, i dont want this, or im not doing this, and you would do it again and it would get really intense, and that cycle repeated itself for what seemed like for ever, just saying you dont want to do it and you would do it anyway. after that wore off, i talked with my dude and i did more in a hand pipe takeing a few hits, i only got the feeling, with i didnt like so i took a shit and i felt sober again. looking back the part when i was saying i dont want to do this and i did it again anyway, well this is how i feel about it now, while i was on it i didnt like it, but after i wanted that experience again only im scared to do it again., so anyway, that feeling you get the first time you do it i hear never changes, the only difference is your prepared for what going to happen, and i also want to say while in the ding state, i could just say im tripping , no sir, so tell me what you think, and answer the questions i asked first in my post.


Well-Known Member
100mg is a pretty high dose, but the feeling of dying is pretty normal you just have to relax and let go of this world


Well-Known Member
You seek enlightenment. You were brought there for a few moments and you are back. That is the problem with drugs like DMT. They wear off.... You can stay there longer, even all day , with meditation, but that could take a lot of work with a guru.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
You seek enlightenment. You were brought there for a few moments and you are back. That is the problem with drugs like DMT. They wear off.... You can stay there longer, even all day , with meditation, but that could take a lot of work with a guru.
Enlightenment can't be bought by the hit, I agree.


Active Member
100mg is a pretty high dose, but the feeling of dying is pretty normal you just have to relax and let go of this world

do you ever not get scaried of dying? ive only done it once, and people say its like heaven, and i thoought it was pretty scarry, but i was also told oil based dmt gives dirty trips, what do u think.


Active Member
and the whole time it felt like i was dying, but while my soul was being pulled out of my body, it felt like i was still connected, could this be because people were moving me around for parts of it?