Over- or under-fertilized?

Short Bus

Active Member
So I have an indoor medical garden with 6 plants, all of which started as clones from a dispensary last Sat. 5 out of 6 are doing well, but this morning I found that the 6th plant was drooping, dry-looking and slightly crispy. I fed the plant pure water, pH of 6.5, thinking I might have overfed the plant. Then I checked the soil and run-off water for nute content, and got conflicting results. The soil reads very low in nutes, whereas the water coming out of the bottom of the pot reads medium-high in nutes. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
PS-Strain is Blue Cheese (mostly indica), growing in sphagnum peat and perlite, being fed a 30-10-10 growth fertilizer for orchids (I know, waiting on payday to get something better) and GH Bio Root. Thanks again folks.