Outdoor UK Grow..


Active Member
Hello and welcome to my outdoor grow journal.. not the best climate here for growing the weed, but ill give it a shot..

Strains im growing are top 44, mandala#1 femiz, jock horror(just for fun really cause i dont think they will like the cold), hashberry and speed queen.....

i dont have the hashberry and speedqueen yet, but the rest are under my 125watt enviro lite getting a start to life, 3 are just after popping there heads up.. will transplant outdoors start of may and the other lot at the end of may...

I have 2 certain location for 3 plants to each spot, 1 or 2 other maybe locations...
need to do some more searching..

will have pics soon...


Well-Known Member

Sweet... I like following the UK outdoor grows to see what you guys can do with your climate, some grows have not been too shabby, really depends on the season, last was really bad as far as weather goes, in my region anyway, now is the time to germinate so beef those babies up and put out when you feel they are ready, I have one secure spot and am also searching for two others, kind of a pain in the ass...