OG Kush problem help

Hi I have recently started a small 3 plant grow, I got the seeds from Royalqueenseeds OG Kush fem I am using coco pro with just coco a & b nutriance ph at around 6 to 6.4 I had waited quite a while before adding nutriance but as soon as the plant looked like it needed it I gave it 5ml for 3lt of water and now I have a few problems on the leaves and could do with some help

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you want to ph coco between 5.8 and 6.3. i'll ph down to 5.8 for about 3 waterings, then slowly let it swing up to 6.3 over about 10 days, then back down to 5.8 over another 10 days.
not saying thats your problem, but its a place to start.
pictures would help, whole plant and effected areas
Thanks for the reply I had put pics on but they haven't come up Iv re uploaded them and I was thinking about lowering the ph see it kinda felt like I was depriving them on nitrogen and other nutriance as I was feeding just ph water for quite a while



bud bootlegger
Thanks for the reply I had put pics on but they haven't come up Iv re uploaded them and I was thinking about lowering the ph see it kinda felt like I was depriving them on nitrogen and other nutriance as I was feeding just ph water for quite a while
i don't really see anything wrong with them. no nute burn at the tips, looks nice and healthy, color looks good..

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
nothing major. i think maybe your soil was kind of hot when you put it in but it looks like its used most of it up now. start feeding light and work up to what they seem happy with.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
It's the only one with this yellowing it was worse before I put the a&b in
hard to tell, that might be calcium deficiency. it doesn't seem to have spread so i wouldn't worry about it unless you see more of it.
or that might be mite damage. if you see more little spots, little pinhole looking spots, rough surface texture in the effected area....


Active Member
Maybe its just a small burn, but they are looking good! Adjust the Ph and always start with very little amounts of nutes.. let the plant easy into it and in no time she will eat lots.. just make sure that you start with 1/4 the dosage and work up from there. Also as noted by our friends, it wouldn't hurt to provide cal-mag(same process), coco grows are prone to those deficiencies.
Also read this: http://www.growweedeasy.com/coco-coir
Keep growing!
i was thinking it was calcium def because I hadn't put no nutriance for a few weeks and I know coco has no nutriance in it I'll just take it easy with the watering change the ph I think


Well-Known Member
nothing major. i think maybe your soil was kind of hot when you put it in but it looks like its used most of it up now. start feeding light and work up to what they seem happy with.
make sure you're letting it dry put good between waterings.
Hey I think he's growing in coco you need to feed her with a small feed at lest 2 time a day. I have grown the OG Kush beautiful plant

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
get some cal-mag or cali-magic or w/e, its all cal-mag. with a plant that small i'd go maybe 2 ml per gallon.
i grow in coco, and water every day. regular nutes one watering, then ph'ed water next watering. then silica and cal-mag one watering, with a foliar spray of epsom salt. then ph'ed water. then start again. i cut out the foliar spraying once buds starts to form.
I'm only using CFL at the moment so it doesn't dry out for a week plus don't you need to have runoff after feeding to stop build up in the soil

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
not that much really, as long as you water to a good run through once a week that ought to be enough to keep salts from building up. i used to get run through every time, finally figured out i was just wasting a lot of nutes
Is it ok to only be feeding them every 7 days or am I rong because I am using 12lt pots and putting 3lt of water once the top of the soil has gone dry because if I feed every day it will never dry ?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
thats ok, coco doesn't need to dry like soil does. you treat it more like hydroponics, it holds a lot of air in its fibers, and water passing through it drags more air with it. you don't want to get it soaking wet and keep it like that, but you don't want it to ever get dry past the first inch or so on top of the pot, and you don't even really need that

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
as far as how often you feed, thats up to you. a lot of people feed small amounts daily, some feed heavier, less often. the plants will let you know when they need something once you learn to read them.