Obama's favorite word........

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Obama's is Uhhm-uh. It's every other word. Wonder what it means. Guess you need to be a ginger to understand. Harrekin?

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I had a teacher in high school who would say "over there" almost after every sentence. Counted 132 times in a 50min class once..

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
LOL I had a teacher that ended everything with dolééł (it is). Most of the time he didn't even know he was doing it.


Well-Known Member
Bush was more of a "stay the course".

Obamas tag line should be "Yeah Ill get around to my first term promises...soon..."


Well-Known Member
Obama says this really slimy, reptilian thing all the time. I'm sure some of his handlers and focus groupers told him to say this 70 times a speech.

"Now let me be clear."

That is how you know you are in for a doozy of a statement. Not just your typical political b.s. but a real doozy.

Edit: He's so foreign to America and so far removed from average America that he has also been instructed to say "folks" 70 times a speech.
He likes to "folks" like he's from East Teat Pull, Wisconsin before he says he needs to be clear.

"Folks, now let me be clear. I was drinking Old Fashioneds at the supper club when I decided..."


Well-Known Member
Obama says this really slimy, reptilian thing all the time. I'm sure some of his handlers and focus groupers told him to say this 70 times a speech.

"Now let me be clear."

That is how you know you are in for a doozy of a statement. Not just your typical political b.s. but a real doozy.

Edit: He's so foreign to America and so far removed from average America that he has also been instructed to say "folks" 70 times a speech.
He likes to "folks" like he's from East Teat Pull, Wisconsin before he says he needs to be clear.

"Folks, now let me be clear. I was drinking Old Fashioneds at the supper club when I decided..."
It's like that with all politicians. Hell it's like that with pro atheletes, chalk full of blisteringly obvious cliches. "one day at a time", "help the team", "always trying to improve"...you get the point. See a trend?


Well-Known Member
One, Obama trowels it on mighty thick. Two, he has this entire mythological aura around his public speaking. People always tell me "Hey, say what you will about the man, he can give a mean speech." The follow up question, "What good speech" is 90 percent of the time met with a slack-jawed "Shit, you caught me" face as they rummage around their fanboy brains for the "mean speech." The one I keep getting is one from 2006. What have uh you done uh for me lately uh?

I feel he is a terrible public speaker. He is a mechanical mumbler with verbal crutches galore and he just cannot work without that teleprompter. Just within his own country and own party, Bill Clinton could inhale 3 bong hits and 5 Big and Tastys from McDonald's and wipe the floor with Obama.


Holy fuck. You cannot verbalize pauses in your thoughts when you speak in public. That was the first thing you get told about it. Silence is fine. Saying "uh" 40 times a sentence isn't.
You can be a rockstar speech writer, you can be a dynamite off the cuff speaker, but if you say UH UH UH UH UH UH every time you say a sentence you just sound like a stuttering, muttering prick.


Uh, heh he, like uh why does this guy uh say uh all the time, Beavis?


Well-Known Member
taking shorts pauses with out noises makes the audience feel like you are taking time to think about what you say. Giving you a more professional appearance.

BUT uh.... is the one noise they frown upon, it makes it seem like you forgot what to say.


Well-Known Member
The prudent thing was more daddy Bush. Dana Carvey's Bush nailed his two crutches. Not gonna do it, wouldn't be prudent.