New to - New CFL Grower - Think I may have issues already. Help!


Active Member
Go to nicks garden and get fox farms ocean forest big bag for $18 if you don't want to cut your mix, it may still be a lil hot for the babies yet they will do fine.
Thanks for the advice and kind words! But I don't have any Nick's in the springs! :-( Do you know of any stores down here? I've called ace hardware, walmart and some other garden place I checked out down the street and they have no fox farm. This new soil I just got should work ok I'm guessing. It mentions no nutes or ferts.

allen bud

Active Member
Not a matter of believing, as much as I could entertain the concept if I could get a free unit to do my own beta test, or get test reports from others on the forum who are in their beta.
IN fact a buddy in spain "campo cultivator" and for his magazine did a 250 watt comparison test of a brand new LED grow light system(last year) i dont remember the name of rig . Against a 250 watt HPS system .All aspects were the same . 2 clones from same mother .Veged same and all but any way I put my money on the HPS system while campo him self said "LED will surprise you!"And he was right .More buds ,fatter buds and just as tasty from the LED!!! yup LED won !


Well-Known Member
IN fact a buddy in spain "campo cultivator" and for his magazine did a 250 watt comparison test of a brand new LED grow light system(last year) i dont remember the name of rig . Against a 250 watt HPS system .All aspects were the same . 2 clones from same mother .Veged same and all but any way I put my money on the HPS system while campo him self said "LED will surprise you!"And he was right .More buds ,fatter buds and just as tasty from the LED!!! yup LED won !
As much as that may be the case.. with experimental shit that can really fuck up my hobby... I'd want to use it first-hand. That said, I am by no means saying that the LED is not valid.. it very well may be - to me though.. until LED as a fun test is possible and I can truly see the results.. I would rely on HPS with a few other bulbs mixed in.


Well-Known Member
Well that's you and your opinions. And marijuana and pussy are both great things, but should never be compared to each other because they're different things. Stfu and let me do MY grow the way I want to. I asked questions and there are others who have politely answered them, but you're just a plain dick about it all and then you take over my thread by arguing all over it. You're banned from posting on my thread! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Little harsh but I do owe you an apology.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Ahhhh...finally ...Peace......I watched this thing spiral outa control for a good minute!!!! LOL Way to settle it kiddos!!!


Active Member
Little harsh but I do owe you an apology.
I blame testosterone.

3rd grader: "Sorry for being mean, but you were mean first."

Like I said let's just all get a bong and chill. Our mothers taught us "if we don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." That goes for me and you! ;)

I apologize too, good sir.


Active Member
This is now my favorite thread. I want to see some banging buds come out of this. Seriously. Subbed.


Active Member
I have been constantly watching these babies for the past couple days since the transfer. They are still looking good and appear to be getting bigger daily One thing I noticed (picture below) was that the leaves on one plant were poking up like bunny ears. Is this a bad or good sign? Part of the growth stage?



Well-Known Member
I have been constantly watching these babies for the past couple days since the transfer. They are still looking good and appear to be getting bigger daily One thing I noticed (picture below) was that the leaves on one plant were poking up like bunny ears. Is this a bad or good sign? Part of the growth stage?

View attachment 2550874
Would say it's fine, unless you're seeing black near the base of the stem by the soil, or you're noticing stem discoloration en masse.


Active Member
Looks goldie so far man. One thing I have learned is not to hover too much over the plants. It gets you worried, but ur good.
You've given them the soil they need to grow, and they have responded! New leaves tend to stick out like that.
The next thing you will see soon are the original 'leaves' browning and falling off. This is normal. They are cotyledons, the little round ones, and they act like a food reserve. They're there to get the ball rolling. Once there are leaves photosynthesizing, the cots have no purpose and they wither and fall off. Just keep them watered, not too much, and enjoy watching them develop!

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
HAOL..... LMAO.... the only problem with growing is that its highly addictive and even if you saw your babies 5 munutes find yourself right back in there looking in on the kids 5 minutes later ...LOL And some Moron said smokin MJ is addictive....Muahahahah Give me a F***** break....try growin, then we can talk...LOL WHOA!!!!!! If the leaves are pointing straight up.....thats a good sign...its when they are pointing straight down and ready to fall off, thats a different story " HOUSTON WE GOT A PROBLEM!!!!" lol Good luck with your grow bub! Peace


Well-Known Member
HAOL..... LMAO.... the only problem with growing is that its highly addictive and even if you saw your babies 5 munutes find yourself right back in there looking in on the kids 5 minutes later ...LOL And some Moron said smokin MJ is addictive....Muahahahah Give me a F***** break....try growin, then we can talk...LOL WHOA!!!!!! If the leaves are pointing straight up.....thats a good sign...its when they are pointing straight down and ready to fall off, thats a different story " HOUSTON WE GOT A PROBLEM!!!!" lol Good luck with your grow bub! Peace
"You might be addicted to growing if you take out a second mortgage to add 3 more rooms to your house purely for your growing operation."

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
HOLY SHIT FIGONG.....You and I need HELP!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH LMAO Good one bro!! For a minute there I thought I might be alone...PHEEEWWWW!


Active Member
I'd say that the spots are caused by MG I used to get them a lot when I used it, and I'd move the lights a few inches closer the more light the better the plant is and the bigger the yield :) peace


Well-Known Member
Still laughing....We are allowed to smoke there right????? I need my meds if ima do this shit :-)
Under no circumstances are you allowed to smoke in the grow room until there's a special room designed for smoking while we stare through the plastic window and can check out the flowering awesomeness. - Reason for this: smoke from a joint/bong/cigarette/whatever else very well may start to clog the stomata on the underside of the leaves, which exchange the C02 for O2 and would slow plant growth with enough of it. That said, the special room would have its own fan and separate ventilation so smoking would be ok there.