New Organic Soil Mix


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, just thoght I'd share my new organic soil mix to the group. Any feedback appreciated, as per.

16/12/18 - Total = 72 litres (4 pots x 18 litres under scrog)

40 litres Canna Terra pro (56% total mix)

20 litres Perlite (28% total mix)

10 litres worm castings (14% total mix)

360ml neem meal/fertiliser ((pesticide/fertiliser/soil conditioner/biostimulant (0.5% total mix))

360ml Remin Volcanic Rock Dust (remineraliser/regenerator (0.5% total mix))

360ml Ecothrive Charge ((fertiliser/soil conditioner/biostimulant (0.5% total mix))

180ml seaweed meal (0.25%)

60ml Garden lime containing calcium and magnesium

Something newbies may want to ask is the soil mix for cuttings/clones/seedlings. I just keep it simple, as follows.

16/12/18 - Total 4.5 litres (4 pots x 1 litres under cfl bulbs in grow box tope)

- 500ml worm castings

- 2.5 litre Canna Terra Pro (NOT Pro plus.... too hot)

- 1.5 litre perlite

- 2.5ml Garden lime containing calcium and magnesium

Happy growing !!