New Mommy in panic mode....


Well-Known Member
MOMMY IS IN PANIC MODE....what the heck is that on my 13 day old baby's leaf tip? She is an Auto WW. Only on one leaf, no nutes yet, watering with 6.5 water and liquid seaweed only, medium is half happy frog half roots organics in 3 gallon pot, (2) 23 w 6500k CFL's 3" away and Mars hydro 300 24" away. Signs point to nute burn, but not sure.

Thanks :-)


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Well-Known Member
Looks like a tiny bit of nute burn. Not unusual. I would back off the seaweed. Both those soils are capable of growing plants for a month or better without any added nutes.
Keep an eye on the new growth.
RELAX. Let the plant tell you when it needs more.
I do not grow autos and I know there are some different methods.
But I think you'll be okay. Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Beat me to it ^^^^^ can the seaweed .... Let your plant pull what it needs from medium for awhile.
Autos are plug and play - plant them and let her go.
Soils will carry it to preflower stage then when flowering start 1/2 strength bloom. Water at 6.5 - and do not drench pot. No runoff crap either.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys so much :-) My question has always been, how much to water in a 3 gallon pot? I was told till I see runoff, then dont water again till pot completely dry.


Well-Known Member
That's too dry! You have organic soil so you need the moisture to break it down. Mulch the top with something to keep the moisture in better. I have used cardboard.
I never let a pot go dry anymore.
Good Luck! It will do fine.


Well-Known Member
well burn spot has not spread, and actually looks better today. Pot is still a little moist when I insert my finger down to the knuckle, so still not going to water or anything. just letting her be :-)



Well-Known Member
those soils and that seaweed IS nutrients btw. hot too by now.

with four gallons of dry pro mix dirt in a five gallon pail I kick the bucket noting its weight, feel against my foot/watering wand
I then add one gallon(1/4 volume) of water
and I do see a drop of run off next day. I kick the bucket again in a couple days and note the weight gain, along with the next time I need to add water, usually a gallon at a time/till I see a drop next day run off. I add a drop of soap to my water, if not at the end I have found dry areas among wet ones in the dirt. With the soap no such thing.


Well-Known Member
You'll do far better in the long run if you stop sticking your finger into the root zone, especially if you use myco fungi. For a small pot like that, just lift and feel the weight. Looks like a good start! No feeding for a couple more weeks. Those single tip leafs die early so they won't tell you much at this point, look to your growth above second node to read health issues. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
still a little moist when I insert my finger down to the knuckle:-)
so tell me, when you dip your finger in the warm soil, how long do you leave it there before satisfied?
do you wiggle it about and/or double dip even?

do you note the temperature, pressure or just moisture and viscosity ?
You say to the knuckle, is that by feel, like with eyes closed, or do you watch the dip carefully?

when you extract your finger do you immediately rub your dirty finger with your thumb, while looking at it?



Well-Known Member
so tell me, when you dip your finger in the warm soil, how long do you leave it there before satisfied?
do you wiggle it about and/or double dip even?

do you note the temperature, pressure or just moisture and viscosity ?
You say to the knuckle, is that by feel, like with eyes closed, or do you watch the dip carefully?

when you extract your finger do you immediately rub your dirty finger with your thumb, while looking at it?

OMG....I have the funny feeling that was very very dirty, no pun intended. But somehow it DID get my full attention! LOL


Well-Known Member
those soils and that seaweed IS nutrients btw. hot too by now.

with four gallons of dry pro mix dirt in a five gallon pail I kick the bucket noting its weight, feel against my foot/watering wand
I then add one gallon(1/4 volume) of water
and I do see a drop of run off next day. I kick the bucket again in a couple days and note the weight gain, along with the next time I need to add water, usually a gallon at a time/till I see a drop next day run off. I add a drop of soap to my water, if not at the end I have found dry areas among wet ones in the dirt. With the soap no such thing.

I have a 3 gallon pot. I watered with 1/2 gallon of water a few days ago and had major run off. Next time (prob in a few days as it is still "moist") I will water with less and see what happens.
Also, no seaweed for a while, and I will be sure not stick my finger in there anymore. naughty me.