New Cob builds to cover 8x4 with 1000W


Well-Known Member
So as the title suggests, I wanna cover 8x4 with 1000w(ish) of cobs, giving as much output as possible for as little money as I can get away with spending, although I will not be compromising with cheap components, this is more about finding the best configuration for the area, for the right price, because COB's don't come cheap.

Here's a prototype I've already made which I'm really happy with in my 3x3, it's 9 cxa3070's between 2 x HLG-185H-C1050's and some strip led's to use up some spare driver space
IMG_0332.JPG IMG_3238.JPG IMG_1399.JPG

My plan was to split the area into 4 x 250W lights similar to my prototype but comprising of 8 x cxb3070 and 2 x 1m heat sinks(4 on each) with one driver running them to keep driver costs down, but the HLG-240h-C1050 just comes up short and scuppers my design..............I could get away with a HLG-185H-C700, but would only have 200w then, would 800W of COB be enough for an 8 x 4 tent?

I am open to all suggestions, as I've not purchased anything yet, although, I do already have plenty of the aluminium angle(which works as a heatsink in itself, if properly attached to the actual heatsink) and general build materials like screws, wire, thermal paste etc

I should probably also add that I'm UK based, so any advice on buying from cutter or kingbright would be really helpful, because I got shafted with taxes buying from mouser for the prototype


Well-Known Member
Would 2 of the Mau5 10 piece cutter kits be my best option?

Would 20 cxb3590's cover the area as well as 32 cxb3070's?

ROUGH!!! prices for each option

cxb3590 - £1280 (Mau5 kits)

cxb3070 - £1000 + driver costs???????? (extruded heatsinks)

@Growmau5 Any help would be greatly appreciated