My son is being born today on..please send goodwill

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
So my wife is getting her epidural now, and even though y'all dont really know us, I believe in the goodwill of humanity. If you could, please send some our way:-)

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...yikes, good luck and congrats. The cord cutting was totally awesome. And then, 6 months later, she stopped crying...a little. :)

daniel cardenas

Active Member
congrats and good luck on the sleeping.take turns feeding thats the only way either one of us got any sleep. and yes worth every second of it.


Well-Known Member
How easy would it be to turn this thread into a war? very easy lol.

Congrats dude, I hope everything goes well and good luck on being a dad. Tell us how it goes. :).

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Thank you everyone so much...its really heartwarming to log in and see all these responses. Thank you. He(its a boy) is my first. My wife had a fairly difficult delivery, over 18 hours of labor. He is healthy, 7 lbs 9 ounces. He's the most amazing thing I think I have ever seen,perhaps it isnt...but I certainly cant think of anything else right now. We brought him home....i am so happy.

I have always been a cynical person, I used to look at all of mans achievments and take
a freudian view of it all in that it was all made in an effort to get laid. I went out of the
hospital to smoke a cigarette and was looking at six flags amusement park and the thought came to me "dumbass...that would mean the world was created by horny post pubescents. This world was.created by people who wanted to pass things on to the people they love. That may be the.scource of mans inventiveness and creativity...its love, not lust."

I am amazed today. I have only smoked a few.bowls today, most days i'd have burned through an eigth or I dont need it to feel high....just enhance it ;-)


Well-Known Member
Congratulation's to you & your wife. Children are great... relax as much as possible now... cause he'll be walking in approx. a year, Then running. Not to mention talking your ass off. It's a great time!

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
When my wife delivered...i made me fall in love with her all over again. Has anyone else experienced this?

It wasnt gratitude, although I was grateful,it wasnt the appreciation, it wasnt amazement at her verocity, although I was...i simply fell in love with her all over again...its crazy.

God damn....this is some intense stuff, havin babies.


Active Member
When my wife delivered...i made me fall in love with her all over again. Has anyone else experienced this?

It wasnt gratitude, although I was grateful,it wasnt the appreciation, it wasnt amazement at her verocity, although I was...i simply fell in love with her all over again...its crazy.

God damn....this is some intense stuff, havin babies.

I know exactly what you mean. I couldn't have come up with the wording myself but I know exactly what you mean. You're in for quite the ride. I just had my first this summer and every day is a new world. Good luck to you, and me!


Well-Known Member
When my wife delivered...i made me fall in love with her all over again. Has anyone else experienced this?

It wasnt gratitude, although I was grateful,it wasnt the appreciation, it wasnt amazement at her verocity, although I was...i simply fell in love with her all over again...its crazy.

God damn....this is some intense stuff, havin babies.

Fantastic, Phil! I remember the birth of my son 10 years ago, seems like only a year or two. You are in for the biggest adventure of your life. Before becoming a father, I was very cynical and viewed the world much differently then I do now. I never thought I'd have kids. Having children is the only time in your life where you morally have to put someone's needs before your own, but you'll find it's no effort at all to do so. Before I had my son, no one told me that you don't just love your kids, but you fall in love with them, and it's a greater love than I've ever felt for any woman (or anything else for that matter), and my friends with children concur. I know it's simply our chemical makeup shaped through natural selection that makes us feel this way, but that makes it no less magical. You're going to become a better man quickly, keep us posted during the wild ride ;)