My 1st post, problem with burnt top of plant.

This is my very 1st grow and my plants were looking pretty good but this morning I woke up 45 minutes late and my favorite plant has been burnt at the top. I am growing outdoors in pots. I have put them on 12/12 for by placing 2 dark trask bags over them. However, So I do not crush the tops i have placed sticks so that the sticks support the bags. Well when I got up 45 minutes late, the plant I did not move to the shade was burnt at the top. It was ready to be watered so I just gave it water in hopes that i can get most of the leaves to perk back up. Should I just top it?? What makes this soooo bad is that this is the one plant the grew into a V shape so both tips got the same damage. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!


Active Member
The plant is more than likely in shock, so i suggest waiting for the topping, and if you are on 12/12 do not top your plant. Let ms jane regurgitate herself!


Well-Known Member
If u force flowering outdoors then they should be strong enough to take the sun without getting burnt. This usually is something u need to watch out for with seedlings. Pictures and more info would be good.
Thak you very much for the promp reply. It has only been about two hours and they seem to look a bit better. Hopefully I am not just talking myself into believing they are looking better lol. But one thing I have noticed is that the brown spots are not crisp and the leaves that are brown closer to the main branch are still soft so maybe they will be ok. MY main concern is I have read that stress can cause them to become hermies. I thank you all for all the great post. I have literally been reading on how to grow these for hours and hours a day and night. I cannot get enough info!! Thanks again!