Mold/Moss Problem


Active Member
I started to notice a dark green moss like looking stuff on my rockwool. I keep picking it off but it keeps coming back. The temp in my room is 77-84 degrees and about a 47-49% humidity. I have an aero system and the sprayers are running 24/7. The water temp isnt that high its alittle below room temp. I am running a aero system and I havent covered my whole res around so its not 100% dark would this cause moss to grow on my rockwool???


Well-Known Member
By the sounds of it you have algea growin in your res being sprayed onto your rockwool.

Hydro Nutes generally have microbes that will grow (green) if they get light, it's not very good for your plants and can cause pH to fluctuate.

I'd clean out the res and make sure it's light-proof, then see if the problem goes away.


Active Member
My plants just started to look all druppy and stuff all of a sudden and I checked my ph and it was 5.0 or lower the light light red(I use the test drops) so I just raised my ph up to about 6.0 would a low ph cause that problem??? Guess im going to wrap up my res in some mylar cuz I have about 80ft of it lol... would mylar be good im guessing yes cuz it reflects so much light that it wouldnt let any in or am I wrong on that one??